The War Within - Resto Druids disappointment

Since NA has already started the discussion on their end and we’re unable to participate due to the restrictions of having an EU license versa NA license i’d thought I start a discussion on EU forums.

!Disclaimer! This whole discussion is tailored towards The War Within Class & Spec tree, more towards Resto Druid spec tree together with the Class tree ‘‘Synergy’’.

I’m sure several people are scratching their head trying to understand what the hell went wrong with the druid tree overall.
So, without copypasta the other Topic made on NA with all the information layed out, i’ll post the link here:

My instant thought process is, where is the makeup from:

  1. Removing moonkin form (10% more spell damage)
  2. 20% healing/damage from all periodic abilities that Adaptive swarm is on (HUGE)
  3. Photosynthesis & Flourish now share node (Like in BFA, but then Flourish gave you 100% Periodic healing, still gives 25%)
  4. Instead of ‘‘locking’’ away the interrupt as it currently is, they instead basically made the interrupt more accessible, but locked away incap roar/our AoE stop instead.

On top of that, Fluid Form could’ve easily had Frenzied Regeneration & Bash included instead of Mangle for bear form (Not forcing us to be in melee to benefit from the talent), and for cat form they could’ve easily included Skull Bash aswell (the interrupt).

I also am not a fan of them nerfing the majority of Rejuvenation talents aswell (You can check out the link at the bottom for all the talents with tooltips)
I won’t cover all the points where I feel like they made resto druid lackluster, which is why I also chose to start this Topic, for everyone to comment their thoughts.
So, feel free to chime in with any thoughts or ideas, and hopefully they do something about this.

I’m pretty disappointed with the lack of adaptive swarm in resto. I really think both swarm talents should be moved into the class tree.

Flourish needs a huge buff or it does not make any sense to be on a choice node with Photo. Why would anyone pick Flourish?

Photo - 100% uptime, 20% increased tick rate
Flourish - 10% uptime, 25% increased tick rate

You lose 90% of uptime, to just a short 5% higher tick rate. The number there should be like 100% increased tick rate or something.

Dream of Cenarius might be ineresting, but I’d probably say all DMG done should heal? How much DMG can you actually do with spamming Shred and Swipe? Also maybe we could have 50% of it active at all times and when Heart is active give it 100%? To actually get good value out of it you’ll need to know exactly when it’s best to pop HotW cause it’s still a crazy 5min CD, and you’ll have to have a good team that will play around your HotW CD. In PvP if it becomes OP just add a PvP modifier, but for PvE I think it will just be a talent you can use only in low end content or with amazingly coordinated teams and no in between.

With the change to flourish/Photo node. Flourish is basically DOA now. Flourish needs either a rework or rebuff to make it viable I feel.

Right now (in alpha), why would you ever pick flourish over photo with the current state of flourish.

I also dont like blizzard pushing resto into this pet style healing. Its boring and lacks any real agency. You cast a tree and forget about it, it sucks!

No moonkin form? This needs reverting. Or are we getting all our forms gutted?

I lost faith in druid dev tbh
I want to have nothing to do with this class tree anymore.
Honestly have no idea what is so hard at designing a good druid class tree?
There are so many great and exciting druid abilities but the class tree is full of abilities that are so clearly core abilities that have to be baseline.
I didnt get the tree when it was first announced before DF and I dont get the TWW version.
So many missed opportunities.

core abilities in class tree:
rip, rake, trash, starfire, sunfire, starsurge

abilities in class but should be spec baseline:
maim, ironfur, wild growth

Should be class but isnt:
solar beam, trees, adaptive swarm, twin moons, displacer beast (god I miss it!)

And make moonkin baseline if not on the tree…what is that change about anyway?
They could just make room in class tree with ‘baselining’ and come up with something better. It is not that hard.

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