We’re rolling out some changes to Mythic+ with the release of The War Within Season 2 and wanted to share a few more insights on what you can expect to see when those changes arrive on the Undermine(d) Public Test Realms (PTR).
Good that you listened! Make wow great again! Woop!
Time to get carried in M0 and bam, gearing done for the whole season
Which is good because I have other things I want to do and sadly delves isn’t it.
Great that you’re listening to feedback. Peril was ridiculous in keys where you’re still pushing for gear over score. Looks like I’m going for hero in s2z
A W E S O M E !!! Make M+ Great Again!!!
some good changes but if I’m honest I think you only addressed a few , we will see on release but personally not enough
Is level 12 from all dungeons enough for the 3000 rating?
why “The 2850 mount has been moved to 3,000”
there is no need to do this stuff
why do we need to increase always the rewards cap…
How about you undo the key level squish you did at the end of DF, no one is learning mechanics in M0 because there are no affixes there and everything is a joke. The old +2-10 range existed for a reason. Also bring back affixes, the dungeons are just boring from +12 and up, it’s just the M0 dungeon but on steroids, nothing interesting, just pain to deal with it.
So S2 3K here i go
From what i saw it’s not going to be hard at all
Nobody learned anything there either. And last thing we need is to go back to 15 of 20 levels being dead keys because nobody want’s to do 15 when 12 gives same loot.
Because by scaling 3000 will actually be easier than right now 2850.
We actually learned in those forgiving keys. It is a better experience than learning in unforgiving keys.
M2 is forgiving
You got to see what affixes did and you got see boss mechanics because of tyrannical. That alone makes it more than what you get in a M0.
Depend if you have delve gear or not. (which wasnt there in previous expansions in the first place).
I have no interest in it, and I shall not play it, like I have not played most Mythic+ Seasons.
It looks boring as hell. Or streamlined. That’s the word. Streamlined. It looks like you’re just moving ahead…or excuse me, progressing…according to a laid-out track that Blizzard have engineered to give a pseudo sense of reward and accomplishment along the way.
It comes off as incredibly synthetic and far removed from the core gameplay activity of a dungeon run. It’s a system experience through and through.
I don’t see the appeal in a gameplay experience that is artificially constructed so that you just move along in the order, speed, and pace, that the constructor of that experience has decided, and collect your ration of rewards at chosen intervals.
That is just Farmville with more steps and action, as far as I can see.
You could have ended it there you know. The rest is just fluff.
I am all about the fluff.
We had same for years
Yeah tyrannical in old m6 was totally noticeable yes yes. Is that Tyrannical here in room with us?
you must be joking. 616 for m2 to be forgiving?
And yet people kept failing them.
More noticeable than what M0 is now.