The War Within: Warbands Preview

Actually they buffed it at the same time they Buffed Orc, Troll and Human racials with WotLK. Bloody Fury used to reduce healing for -50%, Berserking may got you up to 30% haste but for this you needed to have low health but with WotLK you got 20% but independent of Health and Da Voodoo Shuffle did not exist before either.
Humans did not had Every Man for Himself until WotLK and Perception whas turned into a Passive in WotLK. Kaldorei got also a significant buff in WotLK beside Shadowmeld becomming vanish but the main reason why Shadowmeld whas changed is, during Classic and TBC you could eat and drink stealthed. This way you could fight till low health or mana, stealth and then drink and/or eat and then fight the next enemy. But since WotLK you can not eat or drink anymore stealthed so instead Kaldorei got a Buff by shadowmeld becomming another vanish.

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Thanks for the insight. Though

isn’t entirely correct. I don’t know about shadowmeld, but rogues can actually eat/drink if they activate stealth after they start eating. Though obviously doesn’t work in combat of course since you can’t eat then.

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Well Kaldorei will Interrupt with Shadowmeld since WotLK the ability to eat so my words still stand kind of. Blizzard traded with WotLK the option for Kaldorei to eat and drink stealthed for being able to get out of nearly every fight.

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From my understanding, yes it has to be the class that can use it so you cannot unlock everything with a warrior in theory.

Every character on every account within the same region will be in your warband.

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What do you mean we can join multiple guilds? We can juin multiple communities but not guilds, so we can’t use multiple guild banks with multiple characters.

Ah, I see, thanks for the headsup!

In that case, the warbank will be good for those who have characters in guilds other than their own character guild.

I absolutely love this new addition, the whole Warband system has blown me away and I can’t wait to see what’s coming next!

Actually we can be in multiple guilds but the important thing is, only with multiple characters. One character can only be in one guild at the same time. So if you have one bank guild for all of your characters then you can currently still swap with all of your characters the guild bank similar to the Warband bank. But if each of your characters has the own Bankguild then you need still to manually send things.

Personally i would “lock” the sharing of crests of certain levels behind the feat of strengths of outgrowing crests.
The exchange rate is too bad to use, so farming higher crests is more lucrative.

So instead, you can send them to your alts to use on them to upgrade.

Flightstones should be a shared currency, if you spend too much on an alt and cant upgrade a new item on your main? Time to farm flightstones.

Either way it will require you to play, because its not about “player progression” it is about /played metrics for Blizzard.
Sharing them between characters will promote playing the game no matter what. And if your alts have gear upgrades you still have to “master” the class in content anyway.

If those costs are genuine then there’s NO point in me buying it ! I currently have about 200k across 10 characters :frowning:

They may change the costs or it might be that we earn more gold in TWW again.

Kinda useless feature for an expansion, we already got all account wide almost.

No you got wrong. You almost got everything accountwide BECAUSE they work on giving you this feature.

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