The War Within: Warbands Preview

A nice, unexpected, better reward is just that, whether it’s the loot being bumped up or additional. Both are cases where you’re given a better reward through sheer luck, so yes, that’s comparable. Comparable ≠ exact.

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Better get to grinding then so you’ll actually have a bank cause Blizzard seems to think 3m gold is a reasonable cost to unlock a feature they want to sell you for this expansion :upside_down_face:


Well, it’s different as the loot is lower so the people who complained about titanforging wouldn’t have an issue to now

Yeah I saw those costs, I’m going to be going without!

Thanks for the list!

I will most likely unlock the first four ones. I doubt I will unlock the 5th one any soon. I’ve never had that much gold at one time on my account and I don’t think that the total value of items I would store there would worth 2.5 m gold altogether either. (And, no, I don’t plan to buy a WoW token to unlock this one. It does not worth the investment for me.)

98 x 4 = 392 new slots will still be nice to have.

I’m not much of a hoarder so I never created a guild bank for my alts for storing items but I still like this feature.

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hear me out:
the differentiation between account wide and character specific achievement is kinda dumb. i am a completionist and all my character specific achievements are on my main, but i would’ve loved to be able to play other class and get gladiator achievement account wide, since the gameplay revolves so much around meta. the number of wins for the actual rewards is still character specific so you actually need to be elite rank on that class to get victory critteria for the thing but after you get it, i don’t see a problem with it being account wide. anyway, some decision are nice some are meh

i was really expecting this specific achievement to be made account wide for an easier experience with the rated arena mode since playing as ret is not always viable, especially without a team but with pugs.
am i in the wrong here ?

I agree and I think the majority of players will most likely unlock the first 4. The fifth would be obtainable if they increased the in game gold rewards back to more or less where they were. Then again if you get into crafting early on from the launch you could get lucky and make enough to unlock the 5th, but I agree, 4 is more than enough for us non hoarders.

When a raid gets Legacy Loot buff then relics, rings, trinkets and necks should all be removed from the loot table.

It should be possible to opt out of Legacy Loot somehow to allow players to farm these items if they wish for Timewalking sets or some such.

On topic of this:

To help players continue to expand their collections and style their alternate characters how they want, in The War Within any character can collect any item appearance, regardless of if they can equip the item or not.


Class-specific appearances are an exception and will still be collectible only by that specific class.

This means for example if you farming MC for 1 warlock item on your warlock, all other class drops stay useless and when you go in on your warrior, it will drop that 1 warlock item finally and it will still be useless. (we all have been in this situation many many times as tmog farmers) I believe majority of people would love that this is not the case. I can see why you don’t want a warrior to be able to learn warlock tier tmog. But… I hope this will be changed to the item that becomes “warbound until equipped” so we can at least transfer it over to our alt that can learn the tmog. In this case, you still require people to have an alt of the specific class (and possible level requirements).

I currently have 4 million but i wont be buying the last slot.

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Note that there will still be many currencies that will remain non-transferable because they represent important character-based progression. Two examples of these are the Crest and Flightstone equivalents in The War Within .

That’s a real pity bcause a LOT of playes have been asking that the crests and flightstones could be shared with alts for quite some time now. Why not make it possible to share crests and flightstones with alts if the chars are within the same itemlevel range +10-20 itemlvl?

I really like the idea of Warbands because it makes you feel like you and your alts are united. Many good changes and new features apart from one and that’s a pretty bad and unfair change: Diplomacy

The human racial Diplomacy is currently designed to grant a bonus 10% to reputation for players who choose that race. Unfortunately, with Warband reputations, this racial causes problems due its character-specific nature.
We don’t want players to feel compelled to play a specific character or race to earn Warband-level rewards more efficiently, so we will convert this race-specific bonus into something new. We’ll share more information on it at a later date.

Back in Vanilla WoW I chose the HUMAN race for my main and for other chars mostly because of their diplomacy and now you just want to remove it just like that?? That’s not just a small change, it’s HUGE in a game that’s centered around reputation farming.

And while I know it’s just the first thoughts about the Warbands and that human diplomacy collides with your design ideas, at least some serious consideration as to what it would be replaced with would have been a well-thought courtesy to players playing the human race as their main char.

I hope you devs will reconsider and come up with something more satiesfying than we will get something new.
Maybe give humans + 5 skills to all professions or x% reduced damage to all elemental damage – or something else, but please make sure that the replacement is at least as powerful and worthwhile as the one you intend to remove completely.

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Eh. Racials have been harshly nerfed since forever. Usually due to PvP whines, but in later years the m+ crowd have also done their extent of damage. Will of the Forsaken used to be good, could be used preventively. Arcane Torrent used to be good. Mana Tap existed. Priests used to have racial themed spells. The humans’ cc breaker belonged to the noems; though I’m unsure if they also kept it? The various races’ magical resistances used to have a slight effect at least. Etc. The only case of racial being buffed is the NE shadowmeld which they for some reason suddenly get to activate in combat.

I’m not saying diplomacy should be nerfed, but it isn’t unfair when everything else is eventually too.

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From what I can read Diplomacy is not going to be nerfed but removed. Big difference. Especially in a game with focus on reputation farming.

Btw “Every man for himself” is still available for humans.

Diplomacy is being deleted. They are going to get rid of it and replace it with something else.

Deleted or made useless, my point was that a great racial is once again becoming a dodo and that it shouldn’t be more or less sacred than any other. Just to reiterate, I don’t want this to happen. But I didn’t want any other racial destroyed either.

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This is a feedback thread about Warbands and my feedback is that when Blizzard is removing Diplomacy they should really think hard of a good replacement because it’s not a little change removing Diplomacy.
I’m sorry that many racials were removed over the years, because players always loved what either specific racials or specific class abilities they could get, but the feedback now is for the incoming changes with the implementation of Warbands.

Maybe I am getting old, but as someone who has played this game for the last 14 years I have to say this “Warband” concept just seems to add some additional complexity without actually bringing anything new or impactful.

So what is the difference between Warband bank and guild bank for solo players? :slight_smile: I am asking this because I have 8+ alts, including my main, all in the same guild. I share all resources between them through the guild bank. My alts are both horde and alliance and they can share anything that is shareable through my guild… so what is the point of using another layer of “banking” on top of what I have now?

Also, sharing currencies but actually talking only about gold, since pretty much everything else that is important is character-progression locked, means again Warbands are just a guild bank (in its current form).

The cost of Warband bank tabs are also insane compared to current Guild bank tabs, so again a reason to dismiss Warbands.

So bottomline is… can someone explain how Warbands help in any significant way compared to what we have now?

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If you already have a guild for this purpose, you are most likely better off keeping your guild bank since the warbank is way more expensive to unlock.

The only difference I see right now is that you need guild achievements to unlock tab 7 and 8. And, that you will be able to deposit warband items into the warbank more easily. They will probably have a filter for it, just like for the reagents tab does. You won’t need more than 1 or 2 tabs for that though, I think.

It will be an expensive convenience to me as I never bothered to have a guild charter signed with 4 random strangers to get a bank because I never really needed one.

Maybe Blizzard just wants to have less ghost guilds which function as a character bank for solo players but then again, they would have to make the warbank’s tab prices cheaper if they want it to be competitive.

I would say, warbank allows you to share stuff across characters without having to leave your character guild but recently we can be members of more than one guilds / communities, so that is not an issue.


Yeah, the cost for tabs is a bit too much. But overall I’m excited to see the feature in action.

Even without any mention of anything account-wide a late patch usually brought the ability to send crest equivalents to alts with a penalty. We are literally going backwards in that by saying its “important character progression” - no it is not, its a monstrous grind on each alt - my main has 500 aspect crests while I have to do 30 dungeons on each alt to upgrade a couple pieces. Real alt friendliness is allowing the crests to be transferred.