The War Withing continues bad Mage design

Holy hell. They will expand Talent Trees with Hero Skills. Se we are stuck at Legion Class design and still no Blazing Speed and Deep Freeze.

Atleast I can play PoE2 instead. D4 continues to be a joke.

Maybe one of the hero talents is blazing speed or deep freeze… one of the hero trees is called frostfire, so we might have frost fire bolt, seen a lot of people ask for that

We need cauterizing blink back


Wasn’t that a tiny heal when you blink? We have a talent for a tiny shield when we blink

It varied across its existance but it was a Felo’melorn artifact trait that healed 15% of your max HP at rank 3 over 6 seconds back in Legion, a fairly substantial heal (though it was ofc heavily nerfed in PvP).

It then became an Azerite Power in BFA that was fairly good if you got 3 of them but was again heavily nerfed in PvP, this time it was tied to the ilvl of the items and number of items you had the trait on, instead of being a fixed %.

Then we got Tempest Barrier in SL, which capped out at a nearly 10% of you max HP barrier when you Blinked, still nerfed in PvP.

And currently we have the Tempest Barrier talent that grants up to 6% barrier (with 2 points) when you Blink.

A gradual downgrade over the expansions.

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