The Wasted RP Potential :)

Hi People,
I’d like to start a Topic where everyone just points out their Favorite small Piece of RP lore they have for their Character.
Maybe talks a bit about the reason why.
And points out where they would have liked a little something more then what the Game has to offer.

I really like the Questline that ends in “His Eye Upon you”.
I like it because it gives me that little secret that no outsider will ever know about my character.
It’s this little touch of insanity, how do I know if the Eye is real and related to N’zoth or just my personal Insanity.
And I dislike that it will almost certainly be gone in Shadowlands just like it is today when I’m for example in Northrend. Still it’s fine after all people couldn’t see it before, no one can tell me it’s gone. :slight_smile:

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