The worth of a man is decided by one thing only

Whether their forum avatar is buggy or not.

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As it happens mine is working at the time of this post but the boxes, black and green textures come and go.

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I have the edge. Posting on an alt means I never change my gear and nothing gets updated.

I remain as handsome as ever.

I haven’t changed my gear throughout the armory issues. It just bugs.

No amount of blocks can stop the absolutely divinely beautiful Souldefiler looking just…

Fabulous. breathes on knuckles. It’s a burden being this pretty it really is.

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To be fair when your gear is transmogged to look like you just crawled out of a working museum display of a late 19th-century coal mine cubes would probably be an improvement…

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Clearly I am one of The Chosen Ones. As of now, I am pure and unblemished by darkness or a chess board on my face.


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All i see is darkness…

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I’m not sure if my is buggy or not. Or they just haven’t added my Transmog to the armoury yet and by default I appear naked.

That’s not a bug, that’s just Blizz being slow.

And if it’s acting weird, that means you’re worth more?
You shouldn’t put yourself down like that, buddy.

You’re special too. :smiling_face:

But it’s within the theme of the coming expansion, which also contains bugs :dracthyr_hehe_animated:.

They’ll probably fix it soon :slight_smile:.

Now when I said Puny’s mog looked she just crawled out of a coal mine I see some people decided to say “pah! Amateur!” and rubbed a lump of coal into their faces…

And Tahra… Good god girl. WhatEVER is going on there… Are you trying to crudely cosplay as Krang’s android from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles?


On the contrary. That’s the only way I can be at everyone else’s level.
I need to lower myself a bit so I can be relatable to others.

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So its just not me who see boxes. Then i can point and laugh without feeling bad for it.

Sanctum of Domination set that you got by buying runecarving gear speaks volumes of how creative you are

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Hm… They bugged the character select again as well.

the topic is worth of a man

I keep getting the green slime colour or the checked blue boxes - not sure which one suits me better! :thinking:

I’m a mini Steve Jobs with my black top.

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