The Zandalari should leave the horde

Nathanos and Rokhan did their best with a bad situation. But the Horde council should have had attacked Kul Tiras. But they didn’t because they care too much about that pathetic peace treaty. The Horde council is a failure and should be dismantled.

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Ok yeah they are against Sylvanas but they will pursue her war after she left.
Make your brain work.

“Blablabla everything is crap except me and my opinion is the opinion that everyone should have”


No peace with alliance scum ever. Vengeance for Rastakhan.

War with the alliance is the only right way. Those who are peace mongers like Baine and Thrall are traitors.

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Reee no we wants peace and vulperas and inclusion of all sorts of stuff! Warmongers playing the faction that is warmongering in its core is wrong!

Exactly. Glad someone else understands this.,

Because wc2 ideology with its plain, blatant and excuseless ideologies behind alliance and horde is the boest one. Go evil because conquering and pillaging is cool. Go good because fighting against the evil is cool.

I mean…that was the Alliance’s plan, to have the Zandalari not be part of the Horde.

reason has left this thread a long long time ago.

its just flailing for flailing’s sake.

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About three seconds before it was posted, yes.

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Yes, they should. They should also leave life.

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Well if they leave the Horde they are pretty much back to not existing until we need a villain, I am no zandalari myself but I am pretty sure they wouldn’t want that.

He wants them to leave the horde so they can attack the alliance on their own, so it makes even less sense.

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I mean he isn’t known for the coherence of his “demands” but I still find quite amusing the irony of him clamoring in the name of Zandalar while what he demands would be basically relegates the Zandalari to trash mobs for Alliance players to kill in quests.

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I do not agree with what is being proposed. But there are alternatives other than that one if it came to pass.

A playable race is not leaving a faction and remaining playable, well it’s not leaving a faction at all in fact but even if we assume that somehow blizzard decided to remove a playable race from the Horde they wouldn’t form a brand new faction for that race.

If push came to shove and Blizzard dumped the duality of their faction system, they could simply replace it with several brand new factions comprised by several playable races.

Create for example a Troll faction, a Human faction, an Elf faction, etc.

Warcraft 3 worked with more than 2 factions.

Still, even if they were no longer playable, that doesn’t mean they would automatically become killable fodder for either faction. Plenty races aren’t playable, and yet aren’t treated as such.

Warcraft 3 had plenty of predictable turns and was a rather simplistic story-wise. But it was rather well executed and coherent within itself.

All the years later we have so few characters and plotlines made later, that come even remotely close to being that well received by the players. And even fewer if we exclude episodic ones, that appear for half an hour to fade into obscurity for who knows how long.

So, if the devs did not manage to figure out for that long that the factions can be something goodl and not exclusively a source of problems and validation for heroic heroes to overcome, what is the likelihood of having more that 2 that would be any better implemented?

gl hf


Not needing to restrain themselves by the often hard-lined templates of either the Horde or the Alliance.

And yeah, its not as if they are even using these two factions as they are.

Of what use is it to constrain the narrative to any amount of factions if you are going to then use but a few protagonists that may or may not be from either?

Blizzard could implement an infinite amount of factions and the story would roughly remain the same: With us trailing behind Anduin, or Thrall, or Jaina, to visit Planet/Dimension X.


i agree the troll mongrels should leave the horde and join a mass grave … as they become raid fodder for the 9858234th time

Is this all the forum is now? Hmm…

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