The Zandalari should leave the horde

after this unprovoked attack from the Alliance the Zandalari got worfed and nerfed massive. They were turned into a joke race. If Talanji had any stones she would have left the Horde at the spot. The race is not worth to be played if it comes at the cost of taking away everything from them which made them cool. The Zandalari trolls should leave the Horde and never return. All that the pathetic Horde council cares about is their worthless peace treaty with the Alliance. Down with the false Horde and down with the Alliance. Di chuka Zandalar!


I really hope Talanji will continue to demand justice for Jainas actions and I don’t like that she has basically forgiven the Alliance.

Leaving the Horde would at this point only hurt the Zandalari. This seems even to me as a huge Troll fan (even more so independent Trolls) as a bait thread.

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That way Talanji doesn’t have to respect the armistice. Not being part of the Horde opens the opportunity to attack Kul Tiras without diplomatic consequences. See Baine and Thrall are pathetic peace mongers who would never allow to let harm come to Jaina. Because of these two idiots Zandalari will never get the justice against Jaina.


i mean, if you want an average of 1 or 2 days, you’ll see Erevien make the same thing to bash the Horde all over again.

Today’s flavour is just speaking for the Zandalari. A classic one. Not like Vanilla, but perhaps chocolate.

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The current Horde is just a bunch of trash. The Horde council needs to be killed off and the Zandalari need to leave the Horde so they can attack Jaina without Baine and Thrall interfering with it. Down with the false Horde! Lok’tar!

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And defend against consequences (the obvious retaliation by Kul’tiras’ allies) with what army or navy?
Their elite Troops are crippled by the death of the Loa that gave them their power, even before BfA they didn’t have enough troops to even keep the central province of their homeland safe.
Their Navy is crippled by sabotage and a War they lost.
Their Capital City is in a phase of rebuilding after a successfull enemy attack.
Their Queen is in a not really secure position because she’s new and came to power after a serious civil war.

So i’m personally not even sure they could take on Kul’tiras on itself, god forbid the whole alliance…

can’t wait for your next thread.

will it be about sylvanas again? now that one is vanilla flavour.


The Horde failed to protect them at Zandalar during the attack of the Alliance. This proves they are the worst allies you can have. The Horde deserves to be dismantled and destroyed for all their massive failures they presented during bfa. The Horde is trash and needs to die.

Also the fault of the Horde.

Again. Horde fault.

An small elite strike team will be enough to sneak into Boralus and murder Jaina in her sleep. Finally putting her to justice for all the things she has done.

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It’s the Horde’s fault that they had insurgents take over the whole of Nazmir with their King being to content and blind to react?

Or do you mean because they tried and failed to invade Pandaria under Zul (a traitor.)

as far as i know Jaina is in Oribos, would be hard to attack her there…

Sylvanas’ Horde at that point.

again Sylvanas’ Horde…

The current council even send aid to Zandalar during a major thread in shadows rising. The Insurgent Cultists with Help of Nathanos and Sylvanas’ dark rangers would have killed Bwonsamdi and propably toppled the reign of Talanji without the troops and leaders the Horde council send to them.

So (using your argument) the Horde under Sylvanas managed to get their King killed, their army destroyed, their city raidet, while the Horde council saved them from a major rebellion that was close to killing their patron god and also under their leadership an attempt to have Talanji assassinated was foiled.

2:-4 for the Horde council at this point then.
No reason to dump them i’d say.

I would have applauded Apari to win with her rebellion. At least she came close to killing Jaina during the storm she summoned. But the weaklings and peace mongers like Baine and Thrall stand in the way of revenge for th Zandalari. They need to be killed off full time.

No. Horde council’s fault. Full time.

Let’s call Garona to kill her. She is a perfect assassin.

The Horde didn’t even send any forces to lend aid to the Zandalari. They had to fight all of this on their own. The Horde is worth crap as an reliable ally. With such people like Baine and Thrall stabbing you in the back you don’t need enemies anymore.


The Horde council denies Talanji her vengeance against Jaina. This should be enough for Talanji to pull them out of the Horde for good. Horde doesn’t deserve Zandalari resources.

No this is all to blame on the Horde council. They could have retaliated against Kul Tiras. But they didn’t. They told Talanji to suck it up. They are trash allies.

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i don’t think he’s answering any of your points here…

looks like he’s just cherrypicking word quotes non-contexually and answering them in his own style.



I knew he would, it’s just entertaining to argue with a delusional weirdo sometimes, he’s completely predictable in his views, but completely surprising in what weird “arguments” he’ll use to support his point.

Genn was however the one who killed Rastakhan and his council. Jaina was the diversion.

No one cares really. Jaina was in the cinematic. She was the general.
Jaina is the Witch of the See, the one that’s hold responsible from Talanji.

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I didn’t get to this part of the BfA story yet, (unlocking zandalari is such a chore tbh), but wasn’t the whole thing approved by Anduin? Taking Talanji as a hostage, approving almost suicidal attack even though the fleet was dealt with already and no more casualties were necessary for the stated goal. And then wasn’t there the demant to give Talanji as a hostage too?

But I fully expect that neither this nor other troubles cause by Anduin will be called out, and the narrative team will continue to twist the story to praise their favourites.

gl hf


Hopefully, Classic exists right ?

Only the retail Horde matters. And for that Horde to be fixed we need to kll the Horde council and bring Sylvanas back as our true leader. Lok’tar!

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It was yes. But the attack was Jaina’s idea and the important point is Talanji herself is holding Jaina responsible.
Also it’s Jaina in the cinematic that was seen. It’s rather simple. I wouldn’t mind if Blizz would let her have a grudge against Gen, or Anduin too.
But Jaina makes sense and has to stay, as leader of the attack.

You are right, taking her hostage etc. should lead to something.
Like you said, if it’s involving Anduin he is getting off free. It’s getting old.


But it’s the Sylvanas Horde that failed to protect Dazar’alor right ?

Don’t try reason here, Erevien is completely immune.