The Zyborg Crusade - Gandling EU - Thriving guild

The Zyborg Crusade are a semi hardcore raiding guild striving to clear all content whilst having a lot of fun doing so.

Zyborgian raids have an enjoyable atmosphere with clear concise raid leading. Even outside of raid hours our discord is extremely active with a strong core of players spamming dungeons, farming and chatting late into the night. We are looking for more active, dedicated and skilled players to join the Zyborg Fam!

Zyborg Team 1

Progress: 8/8 BWL

Loot system: Loot Council

Raid times:

Thursday- 20.00-23.00 for BWL, MC and Onyxia
Tuesday/Friday 8pm for fast Zul Gurub clears

During progression our raiding days/times will differ.


Fury Warrior dps
Exceptional players of any class.
All active/social players are welcome!

Zyborg Team 2

Raid times:

Wednesday 20.00-23.00 for BWL
Monday 20.00-23.00 for Molten Core/Onyxia


Most classes are desirable

Loot system: Soft reserve +1 MS>OS

Contact Cmtjeepers#4141 or Tarq#5859 via discord or whisper one of our officers in game for more information!

Cmtjeepers, Tarquis, Pinkki

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