Thematically better rogue - Night Elf or Void Elf?

I assume Night Elf takes the win in terms of minmaxing and racials, but which one would be more fitting thematically, in your opinion?

Both are good
From RP or Lore point of view a Ren’dorei with the Void portals, sneak in, sneak out, the Shadows “magic”, and as High Elves with aristocracy, poltical rivals and all - not to mention connection with other races - they have a nice background as assassins and spies or even privateers, sword dancers charming “pirates” even.
Nigh Elves are a bit lack of such… how I should say it… sophisticated from of espionage and sabotage. They are indeed nocturnal - or at least were - but spent their last ten millenium among trees, ruins and burrows, hiding behind their mist covered trees. Sure shadowmeld helps and even some Lore supports it…
But I think a Ren’dorei is more fitting thematically

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Subtlety Rogue > Void Elf

Assasination & Outlaw Rogue > Night elf


If your talking thematically then human is the correct race as in azeroth they were born from lowlifes and back alleys of human cities.

But as that’s not an option I’d go with night elf who has split for personal gain but that does kind go against their nature but even so seems more fitting than a void elf, thematically.

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Could have ended this sentence here and still been correct.

Awesome name btw

Sounds great! I do think Void Elves attitude-wise seem more rogue-like than Night Elves, but Night Elves too fit for a rogue as well.

Going slightly off topic as I don’t want to create another thread for this, but assuming neither is particularly good race in terms of racials and minmaxing for a warrior - I assume a Night Elf would still make the better warrior, both thematically and in terms of stats?

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Night elf warrior 100%.
Warriors of the night assemble!

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Void elves fit better as charming thiefs and outlaws.
Night elves fit better as silent assasins and saboteurs.

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The Thalassian Army was quite formidable.
The Royal Guards of Quel’Thalas, the Blood Knights (okay they are technically “paladins”), the Sunfury (an elite organization of Sin’dorei fighters, ranging from battle hardened warriors, to skilled bowmen and learned magisters and are widely recognized as one of the best and most accomplished fighting forces in Quel’Thalas) just to name a few
Don’t forget the Ren’dorei were Sin’dorei/Quel’dorei before the transformation, so easily could have been members of those before their exile.
So a Ren’dorei warrior is fitting both from the lore perspective, and both thematically
The Kaldorei warriors are eqally fitting, they too have/had their own military, fought several wars… the only “downside” is maybe the gender; mostly females, amazon-style

If there was a transmog to make you look like a Warden, than Night Elf. Since there’s not (to my knowledge at least), Void Elf all the way!

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Not anymore sister, if you go to Darkshore you can now see Kaldorei male hunters and archers.
And we have Jarod, everyone loves him.

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Any elf is a crappy choice.

Hunters and archers, yes
But I don’t recall males with glaive, scimitar, greatsword and shield :thinking:
Tho’ it was… not last weak when I been there, so I could be wrong
Jarod was the former Captain of Suramar’s Guard and the ghostly warriors of Lord Kur’talos Ravencrest in Black Rook Hold were males but both examples were 10K+ ago…
But again, I totally could be wrong :eyes:

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Isn’t the gender orientation pre-WoW? And even then, there’s Jarod Shadowsong who was a commander in one of the wars

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Actually the Kaldorei Hunters use a glaive and a shield, and archers use a bow, to be honest i expected some more diferent kind of troops. I think it could work like this.
Huntresses/Hunters- Glaive and shield mounted atop a Nighsaber
Archers/Scouts- Bow and dagger
Hippogryph riders- Throwing spear/Bow
Sentinels- Glaive/bow
Battle mages

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I think they had plenty of things to do in those ten millenium years…
War of the Shifting Sands, War of the Satyrs…

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After the War of the Ancients, night elf society returned to nature, and many became druids. As changes to night elf society took shape, an old foe was gathering strength in Kalimdor. The remaining satyr stayed hidden in the dark corners of the world, waiting to strike back at the night elves. Eventually, ~9,300 BDP, one of the horned aberrations, Xalan the Feared, gave his brethren this chance. He rallied the satyr and girded them for war. Xalan’s rise also drew the attention of the Burning Legion remnants trapped on Azeroth after the Sundering. The satyr drew upon mighty allies; other demons of the Burning Legion who had yet lingered years after the War of the Ancients, polluting Azeroth. Doomguard and other wicked beings, such as Felhounds and Felguard, emerged from the dark warrens, drawn to the satyr’s call
The “Worgen” outbreak that technically won the war made things a bit worse
The point is, the Kalodrei had hard time with this war, and in immortal terms, it was just after the War of the Ancients, maybe 700 years later.
Worse, Night elves may have attempted to hide knowledge of the War of the Satyr. Despite being a devastating ongoing conflict that risked the destruction of night elf society, there are cases where many night elves appear ignorant to this area of history, especially when it comes to the worgen. Fandral Staghelm wrote a journal in an attempt to make the tale publicly known. The Scythe of Elune was given to Mel’Thandris, and was secretly buried with her, hidden away and forgotten.
Velinde Starsong only learned of the Scythe of Elune and the worgen from Fandral’s journal, despite being the niece of Mel’Thandris.
Melyria Frostshadow found worgen in the Howling Vale, and did not know what they were.
Vassandra Stormclaw referred to the worgen affliction as “Goldrinn’s Curse”, never once mentioning Elune’s involvement.

History whitewhasing is a nasty thing

Around 7,300 before the Dark Portal, the Exile of the High Elves begins and the night elves raised a veil of mist around Kalimdor to shroud it from outsiders.
The Sentinels formed and the Long Vigil begun
With the departure of their wayward cousins, the night elves turned their attention back to the safekeeping of their enchanted homeland. The druids, sensing that their time of hibernation was drawing near, prepared to sleep and leave their loved ones and families behind. Tyrande, who had become the High Priestess of Elune, asked her love, Malfurion, not to leave her for Ysera’s Emerald Dream. But Malfurion, honor bound to enter the changing Dreamways, bid the priestess farewell and swore that they would never be apart so long as they held true to their love.
Left alone to protect Kalimdor from the dangers of the new world, Tyrande assembled a powerful fighting force from amongst her night elf sisters. The fearless, highly trained warrior women who pledged themselves to Kalimdor’s defense became known as the Sentinels. Though they preferred to patrol the shadowy forests of Ashenvale on their own, they had many allies upon which they could call in times of urgency.
The demigod Cenarius remained nearby in the Moonglades of Mount Hyjal. His sons, known as the Keepers of the Grove, kept close watch on the night elves and regularly helped the Sentinels maintain peace in the land. Even Cenarius’ shy daughters, the dryads, appeared in the open with increasing frequency.
The task of policing Ashenvale kept Tyrande busy, but without Malfurion at her side, she knew little joy. As the long centuries passed while the druids slept, her fears of a second demonic invasion grew. She could not shake the unnerving feeling that the Burning Legion might still be out there, beyond the Great Dark of the sky, plotting its revenge upon the night elves and the world of Azeroth.

More or less 4,500 years before the Dark Portal, without permission from the Cenarion Circle, Fandral Staghelm plants branches from Nordrassil in Duskwood, Hinterlands, Feralas, Crystalsong Forest, Ashenvale, and the last one in Grizzly Hills in order to stop saronite from spreading.
The Grizzly Hills sapling quickly grows into Andrassil but is corrupted by Yogg-Saron. The druids are forced to fell the mighty tree, which is then renamed Vordrassil

Around 975 years before the First War, Archdruid Fandral Staghelm, a leader of the Kaldorei people and specifically its druids, initiated an ambitious quest to regrow the desolate land of Silithus and awoke the qiraji
Yet, even with the aid of the dragons, the qiraji could not be vanquished entirely; they were simply too numerous. Fandral feared that the war would never end, and could not stand the thought that so many had given their lives, only for more to have to do so again and again in the future. Ultimately, he and the dragons devised a way to end the war immediately and decisively. They would lock the insectoid horde away inside Ahn’Qiraj itself.
Both the night elves and dragons gathered before Ahn’Qiraj to complete this momentous task. Fandral called to his druids to focus their powers as one and, alongside Anachronos, they summoned a great barricade to close off Ahn’Qiraj. Outside the cursed city, the dry earth split wide, and a magical barrier of stone and colossal roots emerged. The impenetrable Scarab Wall towered high over the barren landscape, effectively sealing the qiraji within their city forever. The qiraji, now locked in their dark city, began to grow in numbers over the coming millennia
The War of the Shifting Sands was before a ~1000 years and not even lasted a year. The Elves wasn’t even victorious actually, they had to seal the enemy away!

You see, the Night Elves during that 10 millienum had two mayor conflict and a few minor one, but mostly the Long Vigil was the time of “peace”
I’m not saying they were not formidable warriors, gave the Orcs run for their money when they landed on Kalimdor, but keep in mind, the Orcs were and are technically primitve brutes, tho’ the Orc shamanism just started to return during Thrall’s leadership, a handfull of Orc survivors fled on a few ships, escaped from orc internment camps, strugling with lethargy and the haunting memories of the Demon servitude are not exactly the best measurment of the might of one’s army

When it comes to military, my personal oppinion, the Thalassian Army who spent the past ~7000 years (the Founding of Quel’Thalas lasted 7,300 an 6800) fighting with the Amani Trolls, a foe so strong, eventually they had to ally themselves with the Humans and teach them to use magic in 2800 before the Dark Portal to defeat the Amani for good? They are better warriors than the Kaldorei Army

But of course this is my personal oppinion, thematically both are fine for Warriors

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But you forget sister, the Quel’dorei may beat us in open combat, but with our guerrila tactics we can take their army with a blink of an eye.

Foul cursed mongrels, Sargeras curse them for taking my Alana from me.

Jarod was a general during the war that happened before the Great Sundering. Since then, the Night elf old society became Kaldorei ‘‘Children of the stars’’. That was a big societal change that changed every norm. Their society became a meritocracy, refusing the old nobility any kind of power over them. The Kaldorei became more savage, reuniting with nature and adoration of Elune, banishing any form of arcane magic.

In between the Great Sundering and Wow Era, the Sentinels and Wardens became almost women exclusives. Druidism has always been Male restricted from the start of their society and Elune priestess were Female restricted.

Things only changed for gameplay reasons, to allow players to play the class they want and not create a unique case of gender specific class. Blizz put this in the perspective of Tyrande and Malfurion loosening gender restrictions as they unite to guide the night elves (which in itself doesn’t make sens since neither of them as any decisional power as they are guides, not rulers). And in Legion, that could be called World of Retcon, they created a female Archdruid because… they don’t even read their own lore?

So, historically now, yes, there is male priest and sentinels and female druids, but outside of some rare outliars, they have pretty much less than 20 years old experience in their art, which, for a Night elf is not far to being considered a Novice.

But Jarod never changed his way of life, he’s a warrior still in legion - so you could just as well have been a lone warrior or hunter for all these years. You don’t need to be a “novice”, and I think the idea of having to be a novice is quite boring. I know I’d rather RP a lone warrior who’s mastered the craft for 10k years.

Their society only was kind of “meritocracy” because wardens and sentinels were formed of priests and priests were female, while men being druids were asleep and demon hunters were locked away - they would’ve surely welcomed male warriors if they had been available. Wouldn’t make much sense to purposely leave them out, after all they are physically even more imposing. But this period is now in the past, and that’s for the better, imo.

Anyhow, I don’t think they’ve said they changed this for gameplay reasons - but rather, because a society such as that would make little to no sense after interacting with the rest of the world

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