Therazane Reputation Shoulder enchant 4.1 patch

Seems i can’t use the exalted enchants “sent to my alt’s” anymore, it says i have to be exalted in order to use them on my alt. The item is BoA, and was useable before patch 4.1
my alt Death knight has a pair of blue shoulders with the exalted enchant, but i today bought another enchant, sent too the death knight, too enchant my Tier 11 shoulders but wasn’t able too.

One of my guildmates have the same problem. Others can use the enchant on alts, no reputation level requirements. He wrote to customer support and they said it works as intended…

Do you got any help with your problem?

Just have the same issue with Therazane quartermaster selling wrong items. It looks like he sells two type of items, one with the reputation requirements to USE and others without it. You can check in on WoWheaded

But what is strage, that it is not for everyone. I only able to buy items with reputation requirements to USE, but my guildmates can buy the others. Can it be phase issues, if you are in the middle of some quest there?

Anyway, it is still an issue which needs to be fixed.

Ok. I found the issue and how I guessed before, it is a phasing thing and it is connected to the quest from Aggra (Firelands Raid) to save Thrall. Specifically this one

If you’re on this quest, the quartermaster will be selling you wrong items with high ID numbers, which will be asking the full reputation to be used. To solve that, just finish the quests with Aggra and the quartermaster will return to selling you correct ones.