There are no tuxedo cats in Warcraft

I know. It’s an absolute travesty.

We have tabbies, we have calicos, we have white and black kittens and cats, even purple ones!

But our tuxedo friends are nowhere to be seen! I know my tuxedo cat is very sad about this, and I think for all that’s good and wholesome in the world, Blizzard should cease production of Shadowlands and any other future expansions until they give us what we want.

That’s right, a lil’ cute cat what with a fluffy black back, a cute white tux and snow-white little booty paws.

Thank you for reading.

May we win this battle. :cat:


I think someone posted a picture of a pair of cats getting married, wasn’t one of the cats wearing a tuxedo? :thinking:


Ah, it has the hat, but does not wear a tuxedo…

What a shame :confused:

We need a tuxedo cat :face_with_monocle:

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I genuinely didn’t know “tuxedo cat” was a thing and thought this topic was about cats wearing tuxedos… Ya learn something new every day :sweat_smile:


re-read first post

Well… It seems like I was thinking of a cat in a tuxedo, and not the colour of the cat :sweat_smile:

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Hmhm! Tis a misleading title thats all :no_mouth:

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I have never heard of a ‘tuxedo cat’.

Seems it’s just a black and white cat.

Google tells me it’s an American thing to call them Tuxedo cats, explains why I’ve never heard of it :laughing:

Where there is low-to-medium grade white spotting limited to the face, paws, throat and chest of an otherwise black cat, they are known in the United States as a tuxedo cat .

Yeah, google told me that too…

I was ready for a cat all dressed up… It made me very diappointed :frowning_face:

I prefer a cat in a tuxedo tbh.

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So do I :face_with_monocle:

I didn’t know it was just an american thing, I thought there were standard words for things like this


Tuxedo is a weird word, true. Proper languages call it smoking and thus, smoking cat.

THAT is a real tuxedo cat :sunglasses:

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We need this kind of thing in game

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I don’t like the cat models in this game, I much prefer the polecat. it’s so much more lovely and floofy and seems to look and behave a lot more like my old cat than the actual cats in game.

Its a black cat with a white chest (bib)

Edit…just seen your late post :stuck_out_tongue:

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It’s better to be answered many times rather than none at all :slight_smile:

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