"There are not enough healers anymore!"

Meanwhile, the video game:

What’s the point you are trying to make here?


Burst damage has been too high for a long while.
This results in situations where you or your allies die in one GCD. It’s extremely stressful because it can happen in an instant.

No class should be able to take down 70% of someone’s health bar in a single GCD.
This is unhealthy gameplay, and this leads to the situation we’re experiencing right now, where healers feel useless because they might have played a game very well overall, but it didn’t matter in the end because they blinked once and someone died.


It just doesn’t make a lot of sense, why people would want to play a role that in PvP requires more awareness, better positioning and more effort to counter things like DH that just roll their face on their keyboard and things die.

Not to mention the healer is usually the one who gets abused if DPS die, even if it is their own fault.


This feeling is seen everywhere.
It’s every healer’s opinion that the game has become too stressful because of one shot scenarios such as the one I showed.

:sweat_smile: :rofl: :joy:Hahahahaha yet another healer’s complaint topic, not suprising it comes from a paladin. You guys should play dd a little bit. :sweat_smile: :rofl: :joy: Only 5 days left, and you will be able to fill your weekly vault by AFKing again. :sweat_smile: :rofl: :joy:

Kinda ironic that it happened in one of the Shadowlands arenas…gosh…let me take my painkillers quick…

That monk is guud. But this vid just shows how lame arena is.

Glad to see arenas have evolved from circling a pillar to circling a palisade.


Shadowlands has nothing to do with this bar it taking place in said arena. Ik some like to crap on sl but come one this is a stretch

I don’t play a Paladin though.
You seem bad at psychology.

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Nerfing healers into the ground in 2s through dampening was intended because healers are nowhere near 50% of the 2s population. If healers were as strong in 2s it means every healer would be an extreme advantage over all the double dps comps.

You clearly have a level 23 Paladin, so it’s obvious you are a paladin main. Just admit it already.

two reasons one is you stated in the post and Blizz made all the healing mechanismes from the different classes over complicated to the point you are fast fed up whit the whole healing concept as a newby healer.
healing should be made simple and so is tanking.

Excuse me?
They’ve been dumbing down healing since Legion.

Mistweaver used to have Chi as a combo point system, and swap between a healing stance and a DPS stance.
They’ve removed both these mechanics and all the spells that worked with them.

The game is easier than it’s ever been. If anything, they should bring back some depth.

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