There are other classes that are less played than evokers people say

I see loads of evokers around.

The evoker class does not look good, nor does it look like something that belongs to WoW.

Moreover it is a very simple class with very weird interactions and gameplay.

Also being forced to play as a skinny lizard that attributes to some dev’s " fantasies " instead of the usual Wise/Buff/Fearsome/Sexy ( Yu’lon / Dragonknights / Deathwing / Alextrasza + Ysera ) that we have gotten used too turned people away from the class.

People expected mixing of dragon magics, a complicated class and some insane dragon transformation powerups like Alextrasza in HotS, instead we get to have some very cool customized elf race then forced into looking like an ugly looking lizard with clunky unfun gameplay.

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It is weird to change to preservation and suddenly getting double amount of spells I must say xD

Wish I could costumize my devastation and going in to one school of dragon magic.

I have no idea what the statistical numbers of Evokers are but I see them in M Plus and Raids and in the open world.

But then we can talk about the whole expansion too, right, if we use ‘that’ logic?

the only thing i like about the evoker is the customizations and the fact you can fly past all the unnecesary mobs (given its a 4 minute cooldown :sob: )

im lazy, and i own it.

i agree the class has many problems, but i would argue it does belong in wow. Its Dragon based, so azeroth based.

I made mine to look as close as possible to Ysera, although i kinda failed in the visage form because the visage is a human female with elf ears, rather than a night elf female like Ysera’s visage.

well, at least the horde got the human model they requested. have fun dancing the macarena

You seriously going to compare this :-

To this ???

WoW’s dragon’s have always been epic, cool and mighty

Look at the WotLK login screen with Sindragosa etc, that’s what players wanted.


Read this, carefully, again.

I didnt mention old expansions.

For sure I can’t think of a single evoker that is geared.

If you look at my raid logs you will see not a single dragon.

All joke aside devastation is the 3rd least represented dps spec but that is very much to be expected. When monk came out windwalker was no where to be seen in season 1. I expect we will see the same story in this expansion

Preservation is doing great tho. Almost every key I’m in ends up being a double dragon key. And it’s a lot of fun when you Cain yoink the tank into more trash

I afraid I disagree here. The evoker rotation is really easy but only if you are bad at it. The moment you try to go for a 3rd dragon rage extend or start playing with varying empower level based on mob target it gets a lot more nuanced

For context I have main elemental shaman and ret paladin and the evoker blows both of them out of the water interns of min maxing it’s damage via efficient and frame perfect gameplay

And sexy :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: that until Blizzard chopping block!

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