There are other classes that are less played than evokers people say

Lets see, done comp stomp alot… seen 1 evoker so far. And this is propably 1000 players met.

Went from Valdrakken and did a world quest, Wrathion/Sabellian farm and elemental storm farm… 1 evoker spoted… And I saw alot of players of every other class…

This is just sad xD

First of all, it’s a new class. Obviously people invested in other classes and they are progressing with those.
There are people playing Evoker yes, not many, but there are. Give it a patch or an expansion and then it will bloom.

Evokers bloomed in the prepatch and they bloomed in DF before Blizzard nerfed the crap out of them.

They gave up on their evokers and went back on their other characters. Ive seen armory of peoples evokers and they gave up gearing half way to go back to their other characters because dps evoker sucks, not because they want to go play their mains…

Demon hunters and death knights were not benched by people like this… because they were strong the whole expansion…

They are not played because they are a new class… they are not played because the dps spec sucks and people want to dps…

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Because this is what they are more comfortable with.
Why would I, a tank, always played tanks and hunter in 17 years, going for a holy priest?
I tried in SL, I tried Holy Priest in M+… I gave up after 2 dungeons.
OFC gamers and people tend to prefer comfort than challenge.

So youre telling me that all of sudden, after the nerfs that destroyed devokers, people suddenly said “hey this spec is not my playstyle, I did prefer my old class” instead of “wow this spec sucks and dies like a fly now, I am going back to DH…”

One thing is happily clicking buttons on normal mobs, without the whole care for the world… another is pushing M+ with something you can’t control… yet.
I have an Evoker, it was amazing levelling it to 70. Then I looked at the reality. Would I really want using it in M+? To Heal? To do DPS with something I’m not yet familiar with?
Na, man… I’m going Hunter again. That’s what I did.

Play solo shuffle, you’ll see plenty of them.

Well I can pretty much say, even if you think devokers are fine and fun, you did a better choice picking something else.

If you look at raider io on devastation spec, youll see that they got their ratings as a healer spec, if you look closely.

I usually main rogue and warlocks every expansion but I tried to make a new class, a new main dps spec, on my new account.

I picked devoker.

I had so much fun with it in the prepatch. Due to how stats worked, and due to the burst it had prenerf, I had so much fun with it. Now, at level 70, I am struggling to not reroll a warlock again. To me, devokers are fun, but they are so weak, and everyone that I spoke to that went back to their main say the same, its fun but it is too weak…

But I am still going to play it, and I hope Blizzard somehow buff it in PvP atleast…

And yes, preservation evokers are overpowered in pvp and soloshuffle, maybe I should try it out before it gets nerfed… 212 over 2k ratings, thats over many other classes, but damn, look at havocs xD

New class, and the dps spec needs work

I dont think the nerf is what killed the class.

It was one shotting so a nerf was clearly happening realistically.

What killed the class is its so 2 dimensional in its kit that it offered litterally nothing past a 1 shot in pvp and burst AoE in pve.

A kit as simplistic as evokers. Dont work for casters im afraid, its active sustain is nice, but when you basically take mindflay from priest and give it nothing else… it dont rly work.

I quit my evoker after week 1, i couldnt hack the class anymore, and i was someone who was backing the class since beta, its dps specc was a afterthought and it shows.

Tbh i pve so i didnt even reroll to be fotm :joy::joy: but shadows kit feels sooo good compared to evoker.

What made me stop gearing my Evoker seriously was when I discovered my Disintegrate wasn’t doing damage half the time. Apparently it’s a bug. One boss I was doing 50k, next with the same cds I was doing 20k.

Thought it was just me, looked into it apparently not. Decided to change to warrior as my main alt.

I’m not someone who switches to flavor of the months or cares about playing the top spec, However when your main spell is bugged on a class with little buttons, It’s a pass for me.

Also tell me if I was playing wrong, I found it strange when it’s better to do a rank 1 breathe most of the time instead of a fully charged one. That just feels weird to me. Was I doing it wrong?

you should do some pvp then, there are plenty of evokers

Oh yeah its their mastery. You do like 50% more damage when mobs are full life, that is why it feels so weird playing an evoker. It could work in pvp pressuring healers by executing healers already in full life while destroying their shields, but devokers die in one hit anyways so its not good bringing one in your team. They suck because they have 0 survival:(

And yeah, the tools are few but I think so are dhs. I enjoyed devastation so much before the nerfs… now, when I have no burst at all, I just want to go play something else…

A warlock… but what is the point… Blizzard already destroyed devastation so fast, I am afraid to roll another class just to see it destroyed…

yeah I know about their mastery, but this was a bug that actually makes ticks of the spell not do any damage at all, like zero. (it is probably fixed by now)

In solo shuffle, all I see is prevokers.

I wasnt around until two weeks ago. Didnt plan on trying Dragonflight by a mate convinced me to try.

Iv played a few diff classes over the decade, so id figured,lets try this new race and class!

Plenty of options when it came to character creation,nothing when it came to transmog and on top of that I couldnt even pick my own visage.

Got it to 70,which was a chapter of it’s own. And boy was it an horrible experience doing mythics as a dps evoker. The only viable spec is the thrash nuker,whichs leaves me a noodle in the street on bossfights. I play with a pure friends group,and even they told me to up the numbers.

And ofc there is the comments from other players about choice of race etc OR the pms about inv to dragon RP of the “darkside” which frankly i did not expect and scared me the most.

So i just figured id go back to my unholy dk and stay safe there instead.

Hehe and yes, prevokers are good in solo shuffle, but I dont see alot of them everywhere else? Ive checked the ladder, and yes, there is a huge number of preservation, about 1/5 of havoc dhs but double the amount compared to resto shamans so I guess they are viable there.

Done battlegrounds and ive propably seen about 2000 players now, ive seen 1 prevokers so far. I see more resto shamans and other classes.

Done elemental storms, I see other classes, but no evoker?

My friends raid team is mad because items for evokers drop and noone plays them.

Never have I seen a class die so fast before…

You know what… another BG where I am the only evoker… I am losing my will…

Lets see if this bg has atleast one evoker…

IM THE ONLY EVOKER AGAIN! Over half bg teams are either demon hunters, spriests or druids! Good job Blizzard! Not even one single evoker healer spoted…

Next bg better have atleast one evoker or I swear I am considering quiting.

tbf I see way less shamans then then I see Evokers.

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Weird, I see 0 dragons but shamans litteraly putting earth elementals on enraging giants and having no clue why the giants arent dying. :stuck_out_tongue:

I can join an epic bg and post the results later. Gonna try counting classes. Maybe ill be lucky and see more evokers. Hehe.

I know what you mean. It feels like I am the only one playing Evoker as Main on my Servergroup.
Didnt encounter another one in a Dungeon yet.