There is exactly 1 Raid you can run with a guild group, what exactly is the point of playing Pandaria?

So my guild wanted to have some fun tonight running some of the Pandaria raids. Not for loot, not for anything tangible, we just felt like running a raid as a guild as we are used to.

Turns out, Blizzard doesn’t like that idea.

Since not all of our Guildies have leveled to 60 we cannot do SOO and thanks to Blizzards design, we cannot do any of the other raids with more then 10 people. We had 17 sign-ups for the raid.

Then we thought (unhappily) that we would do LFR. Nope. Can’t do that either because you cannot do that with a cross-faction group.

We gave up on our fun evening after seeing all these ridiculous limitations.

So why the hell should we even level, if there is exactly one raid that allows us to play with our guild?

Please Blizzard, for once, think things through, just for once. It is just becoming tiresome at this point.

  • Since not all of our Guildies have leveled to 60 we cannot do SOO and thanks to Blizzards design

Because you were able to do it back in MoP when you weren’t max level.

  • Then we thought (unhappily) that we would do LFR. Nope. Can’t do that either because you cannot do that with a cross-faction group.

A guild has one faction, they never have been cross-faction.

  • we cannot do any of the other raids with more then 10 people

Yes, you can. “Legacy Raid Size - 10/25”


We couldn’t access the 25 Mogu-Shan Vaults with 17 people :slight_smile:

No, you cannot. That’s the subject of complaint in the thread. Only Mogu’shan 10.


Seems like you have no idea the guilds are the same ones that are on retail, and those have been cross faction for a while.

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It is called “Remix”. We also didn’t have cloaks that collected stats at will in Pandaria. Having QoL improvements should go without saying.

Not sure how you figure that guilds are still single-faction. Did you play the game lately?

Discovering that raids are exactly 10 or 25 really took the shine off the experience tbh.

Hoping flex 10-25 arrives in a few weeks because geebus. Fixed sizes on casual group content leads to people sitting out while everyone else has fun and that absolutely sucks.

Eh well it is not so surprising for me. Remix is still Pandaria Retail and the only raid in Pandaria that saw the Flexupgrade whas SoO as the historical equivalent of S4. Every other raid still uses the System implemented with WotLK.