"There must always be a lich king"

WoWs lore and writing always was mediocre at best. It’s impossible to write something good when you have to release expansions regulary. I mean every expansion needs a threat which can be fought and with that you need villains you can get rid off.
I wish they would change their whole idea for expansions. Not completely destroying the content from that last one. More like “we defeated the Scourge, but it’s still dangerous”.
This makes it so unbelievable boring to go back to old expansions.
Same with gear. Why should my raid gear from say BfA be completely useless in the first raids of SL? If gearing is the only incentive of playing the game design is terrible.

There was a time when wow felt interesting, now it’s just a pile of burning trash.

Perhaps we’ll get a Lich Queen. That solve that. :man_shrugging:
Or a Lich person.

The plot point about there needing to always be a Lich King was always dumb.
All Bolvar needed to do was to force the Scourge to self destruct then take off the helm of domination

King Theranas explains it the best in the Wrath of the lich king end cutscene.
That without the Lich king the Scourge will become an even greater threat than before.
Because there will be no Lich king to hold them in line.

Arthas the remaining human part of him held back the Scourge against Ner’zhul. From going on a rampage across Azeroth. And when Sylvanas broke the Helm of domination from Bolvar pre shadowlands. We got our Scourge rampage pre expansion event. Where exactly that happend.

Without a Lich king. All undead without any Lich king in command. Will feast and rampage any living they can get their hands upon.

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Also… Even with Ner’zhul gone after Arthas. There was still the will of the jailer dominating the helm too. Got literally no confirmation on this but considering its his creation and what he already did to Ner’zhul. I think its very likely. A Lich king wearing that helm Ner’zhul in it or not. Will still be bound to whatever the jailer wanted.

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