At the time Scourge had still lots of numbers in Northrend & Plaguelands etc. Without someone who would command it, it would raid entire world
Which it does but the current situation is unknown.
That’s more personal Sylvanas saying “the thread of scourge is no more”
To be fair though, this is the only good thing about Shadowlands to me. It never made any sense for there to have to be another Lich King. All this ‘‘The Scourge will destroy everything’’ was just pure nonsense. I remember cringing so hard when I saw Bolvar become the Lich King back in Wrath of the Lich King. It put a huge stain on the expansion for me.
Of course it’s poor writing, there was no lich king before Ner’zhul either. We handled the rampant scourge in the prepatch pretty well like I’ve always though it will go down.
Well, guess it’s also something like “Azeroth grew on its challenges”.
Maybe in WotLK something like the Scourge seemed “undefeatable” and the Legion was only a distant horror / threat, but by now we had the Cataclysm with Deathwing, Old Gods (Sha / N’Zoth), the Legion in full force + Sargeras; all defeated - so yeah, a bunch of mostly brainless undead just aren’t such a huge deal anymore.
It’s bad writing to assume a rampart and fractured scourge could achieve more than whatever Arthas could have told them to do but didn’t because “reasons”.
If Arthas didn’t have enough manpower to invade and subdue the world capitals one by one then the scourge creating widespread havoc around the world is indeed bad writing.
Regardless of whatever else, the Scourge is running amok on Azeroth. If you do the Kyrian storyline, you visit Lakeshire and see the place be overrun by ghouls.
Really sounds like Sargeras 2.0. Better kill everything rather than have the void lords have their way with all existence.
Not sure what you’re talking about as I’m not caught with current content, but sounds about as out of place as Sylvanas yelling “for the horde!” in the BFA cinematic.
Its rather issue that game cuttering to casuals like i am talking uber casuals here. So gameplay doesnt really support this idea of uncontroled scourge being threat when we literaly wipe out entire icecrown with 1 finger.
You can hardly present lore events as anything dangerous in game made for every noob on this planet.
I mean, there HAD to be a lich king. The Lich King came because the Jailer bound Nerzhuls sould into the Helm of Domination and send it to Azeroth to have a link between the Shadowlands and Azeroth. Through this link he was able to send scourge to Azeroth and Kel’thuzad was send back there too after his death and him becoming a Maldraxxian lich. Arthas became the helm bearer so he was able to command the scourge to plan proper invasions and stuff. Now the helm is shattered, Kel is dead (like, deaddead) and Arthas is a 25 anima orb. Story wise there should be no scourge left that needs commandment.