There needs to be a better solution to the looting system in raids

Returned to the game about a month ago after a break during legion. Raiding is essentially what brought me back, I want the thrill of progressing and improving in all the directions this game has to offer. Now, a month later my passion has diminished more than I am willing to accept. Why? The loot system is so unpractical for those who can’t commit to guilds and depends on pugging- to the extent its affecting the raiding community itself.

Initially I understood Group loot and Personal loot to be fairly identical. Both are RNG, one doesn’t/ shouldn’t favour one more than the another. I actually didn’t mind it, though I had nothing to reflect that opinion on other than a open mindset.

There are so… SO many challenges group loot comes along with. Issues that favours those who’s willing to take those extra steps to increase their odds on the behalf of others.

Current issues i’ve experienced;

Guild runs/ friend groups
If I realize im in those groups im out momentarly. See, you’d think this is a good thing because you’ll be going with a more stable group. The problem is that every guild run i’ve experienced (both accidently and intentionally) needs loot for their members. Its you against them in every item they see fit.

Win/ loss mentality
Seeing a low roll on a item you want is beyond frustrating, even more when you see someone who’s consistently wins/ rolls high. I see the difference as in not only did Bobby win several items, but Bobby rolled +95 over and over again, while you’re barely going past 30. Theres so many negative factors in the picture.

Favorable groups
This is the most concerning topic. Players will avoid recruting certain classes to ensure greater/ garanteed chances of winning tier/ armour types, which results in the remaining 3 token classes being overfilled. Beyond that, Ive experienced multiple times situations where the leader will straight up remove players prior to a token boss, because theyre unlucky enough to be in the class pool of their tier.

Overall, group loot creates a immense toxic raiding community, while with personal loot im in and out a raid without much of a worry. My suggestion is that we get the option to toggle the loot system and/ or enhance it where you remove the negative factors guilds etc. experience with the loot system.

I feel you, its sad. But deep down im not.

We used to have PL. We had the discussion in the forums and the new “comunity leaders” spoke with blizz.

They argued that PL loot distribution was not good. And that GL loot distribution would be better.

And maybe it was. But PL was not originally put in place to improve loot distribution, it was put in place to avoid the drama you mention above.

And PL worked just fine at preventing it. Trading squewed loot distribution of PL for 0 drama is good deal if you ask me.

So. People forgot WHY PL existed. And now, here we are.

The post #094095824035358 about how GL loot drama sucks. And I 100% agree.


Well, 3x bonus roll tokens per week wouldn’t hurt. People would join raids more times per week even having killed bosses before. m+ you can do as much as you want and they should do something for raids too not just one time per week you get loot if lucky.


If you’re spending your time scrutinising everyone else’s rolls, that’s on you. If I don’t win an item I rolled on, I shrug and move onto the next boss. There’s always the vault, and maybe another raid difficulty.

Concerning? Not really. Just make your own group. Some guildies and I made a group for normal raid earlier this week. I was on my druid, fishing for tier, and I refused to take any classes that were on my tier token unless they already had the set at higher ilvl. Under personal loot, I would have specifically looked for classes that were on my tier token, as long as they were high enough ilvl to trade. Same principles apply, and the outcome is just as restrictive and inconvenient for everyone except the person making the group.

I haven’t noticed this happening. I joined a lovely, chill group for a normal run on another character this week. We cleared the raid, had some jokes and banter, and generally had a fun time. I won two things on need rolls, kept one that I really wanted and gave the other away to the player who rolled below me because it was a bigger upgrade for them. Not toxic at all.

This seems rather ironic with the context of what I wrote. You don’t agree on this take because you’re admitting at partaking in what creates these conflicting scenarios, which quite frankly is very toxic itself- though again this is something you disagree with.

I read your statement as if something has a negative impact for others- but it doesn’t affect you, then its not a problem at all. Perhaps Introversion?

Ah, selective quoting. You have to love it. For reference, here’s the rest of the paragraph that you conveniently cut:

I’ll assume English isn’t your native language. Introversion is the trait of needing peace and quiet and time away from others to recoup energy.

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