Theres a new wave of premades

I know but I still stand by my point that it should be for gearing up for rbg and casual play only, and not for coordinated groups/friends.

ehhhh, for the most part.
i say 5man needs to be looked asw, but the syncs are the bigger problems


But u que with 5 ppl aswell,seen it the other day on ur stream.

The thread exposing how premades are doing it was deleted from reddit and the US Forums. I suspect this post will too but here you go incase you missed the big revelation that has moderators removing the posts.


ye i saw it, i even got the chance to speak just alittle with venruki, hope i get more chances sync needs to go

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yeah im not even gonna bother, welcome to ignore list x)

somehow its always the people, with hidden profiles and low level commenting

bet its always the same 15-20 ppl just cycling alts endlessly…

Im more curios now than ever as to why moderators are deleting this information. More so why the US moderators deleted it. Obv something is rotten somewhere.

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No I’m not, I’m actually subcribed to you (well i was a fan up until now).
But you’re just confirming what other people are telling about you.

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It’s true tho.
You do queue up in a group as well.
And, in reality, there is nothing wrong with doing so.
Why is it wrong only if you lose against other groups?
The groups that win Bgs against you need to be “looked into”, but you can freely queue up with others whenever you feel like. How’s that?
Following the facts it is evident to me that the groups that WIN against you bother you, not ALL groups bother you. And the ones that win need to go, be looked into, or shrinked down to only 3 members. How do you think Blizzard can do this?
After the same group has won 10 games together in a row Blizzard should block the queue for them?
If you’ve queued with the same people one afternoon then the queue is blocked for that same group the day after?
You wanna remove Btags, Guilds and Communities so people can’t queue together anymore? And you remain the only one allowed to queue with others from your twitch chat?


prob same as saneko “bla bla bla tos bla bla bla rules”

love how rules protect the actual cheaters and exploiters so heavily lmao.


a bit hypocritic, atm as i posted this youre 4x,yday you were 5x ;D i guess you’re living up to your nickname Magedog

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Ofc he is an hypocrite.
Ofc he plays in groups.
I would love to know why his groups are allowed and other people’s groups are not.


He lost that 1 friend and suddenly he doesnt like 5man group,what a clown.


His war against 5 man groups started years and years ago, when he was still mostly a solo player. And I could understand that from a solo player point of view.
But now he mostly queues in groups. So all this became just an hypocritical fake moral war, while in reality it’s just butthurt frustration of losing random Bgs.


Yeah, because its disruptive ?
Theres a reason why theres a set 5 man limit.
It clearly communicates that the design is intended for you to NOT bypass 5 man and you all do.

You cannot convince anyone that you got 30 friends online everyday 24/7 to play with, and when some of them go offline you got instant backup replacements.
Stop it.

Not really, there was even a time where i gave premades a shot, and i joined them, and it brought me no pleasure at all. Its an unfair matchup, simple as that and theres nothing much more to it.
You’re delussional, and you actively try to gaslight people into your delussion.

This doesnt matter, also you’re lying.
If it doesnt bother you quing into premades can you answer:
-Why dont you simply go Rated 10v10 (i dont mean Blitz) Battlegrounds or Wargames ?
-Why was there an addon that functioned in a way to avoid a premade vs premade situation ?

Dude you’re still a new player.
Just because you wasted your time brainrotting in premades doesnt mean you’re not,
you clearly didnt learn a thing and you never progressed in skill, what i mean by that:
You’re Challenger - Rival since day 1 until now.
Yes you got 2.4 in Bg Blitz- we all know that doesnt mean anything.
Im not trying to rating bash you, just for the sake of the argument- going from non-premader to a premader isnt a progression its the oposite.
At best its stagnation.


I don’t think that he is trying to defend the synced groups.
I think he is talking about 5 man premades in random Bgs, one group of 5 friends playing together.


The guy doesn’t need grps for that, he cried earlier in a WSG bc he didn’t use comms and the team didn’t help him enough - even though he only used chat to call it a loss and blame every1 else for being bad.

We won btw, in due part to, pardon my humble brag, my excessive pinging and combative harassment of their heals/FC.

But ye, Magegød has attitude problems lol

The reason ppl here complain about “horde russian premades” is that RU horde random bg playerbase is the most smallest atm on entire EU, smaller even than DE and FR.
Ppl on ru horde actually dont need to group at all, most of the times. Queue solo and 50% chance that your teammates will be very familiar.
Also ru horde dont use voice comms, nor “endofstory” stack, nor “noobstream” twitch guys.

Regarding “premade problem” i thinking only about shrinking max group size to 3 (from 5) and give a prize in ~1000 gold for 1st win in random bg per day - maybe this will slightly increase the amount of players, who wanna participate in random bg.


i can barely understand what you are trying to say in this

i lost a bg, and complained i didn’t use comms? im not understanding what you are saying

Then read it again dude, nothing wrong with my penmanship.