Theres a new wave of premades

Clearly theres a new wave of Premades in normal random battlegrounds, not only in 40vs40 but in 10vs10 battlegrounds too.
I struggle to understand why this keeps happening but apperantly we gonna wait til PvP entirely perishes before something happens about it.
On a side note:
Something tells me this will either way work in Blizzards interrest, since they dislike dealing with PvP problems anyway, so they will watch pvp communities destroy the scene from afar.
Judging at the way they were labeling us pvp players as “PvP Andies” and how theres a massive wave of studios openly hating on their player base. Im down to believing this wont get fixed.

Sadge, we are robbed once again.

Venruki is covering something kind of offtopic, since we want premades out through the window regardless if its done with or without an addon but:
https:// com/ watch?v=P8ONdxmv_7Q
Just confirms how far these people are willing to go just to cheat.


Blizz don’t care because this problem doesn’t lose them much money.
A lot of people just don’t play battlegrounds anymore or just way less because of premades. Like me, battlegrounds were my main content in this game but premades ruined it, so i just do other things in this game but i still give blizz money.

If enough people really quit instead of just stopping playing bgs they would do something.


They play in premade because they are unsuccesful in rated brackets.


Remove Honorlevels, Erase Winrate Statistics+ Honorable Kill Counter and it won’t be much of a Problem anymore. Those who wanna just play with 1-2 Friends will continue to do so,those who actively poison both Brackets, for up to 10 Hours straight, will stop.


Stupid idea.
I wont even elaborate why.


So true, most of these well known “premade leaders” have not broken 1600 in any type of bracket.


In Dragonflight I rarely noticed premades, maybe occasionally in Epic BGs. Now, depending on the time of the day, I encounter them perhaps every third Battleground, even the 10man ones. And I don’t mean someone and their friends, because I don’t consider that a premade, but the whole party/raid made mostly out of queue synced players, even attacking the same target in 10mans.

I know they use addons for this, but at the end of the day they could just countdown on Discord, join the BG at the same time and Blizzard would have no way of knowing.

Might end up that you either join a BG community or just have a bad experience as a PUG.


Theres no such thing as Premade Addons anymore.
Que Syncing is a technique that works 90% of the time and it works like this:
2 or more parties of 5man each gather up and their leaders communicate and que at approximate the same time.
Once they do, they all wait for the pop-up window to appear, if the pop up window pop at the exact same time- chances are they’re in the same battleground.
Theres a slim chance whenn servers are overpopulated that this fails but as I said right now is above 90% chance of success and we practically can notice it.
-Ok but why do they need to do this and simply not just que as a raid ?
The game actually hints at it and the answer is- there is a system limit of 5 players per premade. Meaning the system phisically wont allow you to directly que with more than 5 people, so you have to simulate that you’re not.
Isnt that an exploit paired with game disruption?
-Thats exactly what it is. Blizzard simply doesnt waste resources on PvP.


If you are friends that join the BG together, you are exactly what a premade is. Premade = made prior to joining the game rather than just landing in the same game simply by chance.

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That’s the biggest part I don’t understand about Blizzard defending them syncing. Why go out of your way as the game designers and rule makers, to put a limit of 5 people joining together then do absolutely nothing about it, or even slightly care about it, when people are doing anything they can to circumnavigate the restrictions built into the game?

Yes all these Communitys are best friends irl named their firstborn after each others battle tag etc pp.
Theres a difference between some ppl who know each other since years and want what little time they have effectively spend doing PvP instead of perma sitting pve tool for meta comp xyz for key zxy.
People that are chanceless in random bgs/ebgs and ganged up to up their Chance to win here and there a bg.
Nobody complains about these People since you barely see them. And you can also fast Spot them and act accordingly.

These Communitys are simply an entire different Story its just to farm Honor/Conq in the most time efficent way possible. Theres a reason these People have a Winrate of 97%. Stack every thing that dominates the Scoreboard from the Top and let them run over People that are at the very Bottom of said scoreboard and you have your 30 second tiktokmatch win wow amazing feat.
Now ask yourself who has fun doing it,what purpose serves this,how do you not fall asleep with a prescripted win?

Its sad and it is getting really out of hand.


The number of people who play with their friends is very slim.
Also the number of players you will have online form your friends list is not gonna be a lot either.
People who pretend they got 20+ friends who are willing to spam BGs everyday for hours on end are simply lying.

And again- theres absolutely no issue if you play with a few buddies.
Que syncing is where it becomes super problematic.
Thugh admitedly the impact of 5man premade in 10v10 is still huge and i believe it has to be nerfed to 3.

Blizzard is not defending it- they just dont care.
They’re lazy when it comes to PvP and sometimes even PvE.


I have done tens of thousands of normal battlegrounds and I’ll state this: It is impossible to have a 97% winrate,
no matter how good your premade is, or who you have in your group. If someone has a 97% winrate it means they tend to leave the battleground if they know its a lose thus it wont register as a lose on their profile.
Why they do that I dont know. It is a weird thing to do.


Blizzard is not defending anything afaik. From what there is to find Blizzard 1 time published their stance on (sync) premades, at the time when they abolished sync addons.

Some of it:
We decided to make this change in order to improve the experience for all players who are queueing into random groups normally and expecting to face similarly random groups, only to find themselves crushed by a full team of coordinated opponents.

We understand that players want to enjoy coordinated team play, and we invite those players to queue into Rated Battlegrounds or play Wargames to have that experience.

The normal Battleground queue is for players to jump in and play against other players in a similar situation. We realize that it’s not a perfect system, and we’re still looking at ways to improve normal Battleground queues further. Regardless, it’s not meant for organized groups to “pug stomp” and get quick Honor. We have built in outlets for players that want to organize–if a competitive, social experience was really the goal, then there are clear ways to achieve that.

The ultimate effect that this kind of queuing has had is to drive players away from PvP. Perhaps it’s been a long time since you’ve been in a random group, but a lot of players will see that they’re up against a premade and simply quit. At best, they suffer through it. To an extent premade groups count on this. Heck, one of the popular addons announces opposing players that appear to have rage quit.

For as long as there’s been Battleground PvP, there have been players looking for a way to destroy their enemies to quickly and easily get fast rewards with a minimal time investment. That’s the bottom line here, or the variety of other options available would be more compelling.


Thanks for digging that up , it’s very relevant today


The easiest solution is mixing factions, so that 5 man premades are pitted against each other.

The current situation is not sustainable.


They are already playing against each other. There are premades on both factions.
I dont know why you are trying to overcomplicate things. Let that first sentence sink in.


If not meant sarcastically, then sure no problem, the link was posted recently in the general forums though. It is up to now the only place where we find the official Blizzard stance on this matter.

I came back to this game for PVP and I’m out right away due PVP, is crazy to see how broken and lack of care it has gone thru after all these years.


To rephrase what I said, I don’t consider people playing with friends/guildies an issue. But a synced 10 person party in a 10man BG is something different and just unpleasant to play against.

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