There's a way to leave arena with no deserter debuff

That’s why I’m spreading it. Because to players, this exploit hurts every single legit player queuing shuffles. We already needed improvements to the punishment system to properly dissuade people from leaving on purpose, but an exploit like this just makes it more common.

And if it doesn’t go viral, then Blizzard, again as history has shown, tends to take a REALLY long time to fix it. Which would be bad for everyone.

So because we don’t want people leaving on purpose, we need to bring Blizzard’s attention to this.

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Well i’m sure that they know about these issues as they have hired new game studio working under their name. Ofc it’s better to lure Mices with cheese and see the outcome of it.

Btw for the record, I don’t know if the exploit I linked to is the one the OP is speaking about. I haven’t queued in a long time, and I haven’t tried it either. But the US thread I linked to doesn’t mention it having been fixed since it was posted 13 days ago, so it kind of fits.

Also, to correct myself, apparently those other ways of deserting mentioned on ownedcore was from over a decade ago, so doubt they work anymore. But anyway, that US thread is just from 13 days ago.

If people exploit this in S1, just reset their rating for the season and remove all associated rewards.

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