There's a way to leave arena with no deserter debuff

I won’t say how here because more people would abuse it but there’s a secret command to leave arena with no deserter, but you still get rating loss. I just tested it, the game ended and I had no deserter. I could queue right back again.

I’ll do people a solid and help them settle their curiosity, since there’s really not a lot of people reading this part of the forum anyway and I’d argue it’d be bad for the game for exploits to remain in the game. It’s better if exploits go viral, for equal treatment of all, and to motivate Blizzard to fix it faster.

I haven’t queued shuffle for a really long time and I don’t plan on queuing it before DF officially releases its contents anyway, and I don’t think abandoning games is ok. But Blizzard being slow to act on it is bad for everyone, and if it doesn’t go viral then they tend to take their time with it.

There’s a bunch of stuff like that for random dungeons and BGs as well that’s mentioned on ownedcore according to the google search I did to find that post. Apparently macros exist to skip that deserter, going by the short summary google shows.

To pretend exploits don’t exist by not talking about it is really bad for everyone. It just excludes people except for the “select few” if it doesn’t go viral, and Blizzard isn’t known for punishing people for it nor are they known for fixing exploits quickly if it doesn’t go viral.


This is also a very faulty move as a player and you should report this. have you done it ? if not then do. I mean i’m not going to be moral police but let’s get the facts straight, when these exploits are found then people seem to not care until the ban wave hits and you can’t login into the game anymore. So it’s not exciting to gain advantage over the others because the punishment for exploiting might not happen now but they are going to be implemented later in the game.

When was the last time people ever got banned for an in-game exploit that didn’t involve wintrading, RMT boosting or severe rating manipulation?

Blizzard doesn’t tend to ban people for abusing exploits.

In SL and BFA for exploiting Exp potion boosts and Stygia farm for example. Don’t lie here in forums mate. They will result a ban for players who are getting caught from exploiting.

How many got caught and how many did it, do you figure?

Oh look at that, one of the few reasons they ban for. You see, Blizzard doesn’t really tend to ban unless it affects the raiding scene. Then they tend to get the banhammer out, and there have been a few world first guilds getting banned in the history of WoW for exploits.

Does not happen often though. Which is my whole point.

This is another case

It doesn’t have to do anything with raiding scene, you are totally wrong there.

And that’s clearly from Legion due to how the OP mentions leveling from 113 to 119.

Now, tell me, do you honestly believe there haven’t been many more exploits in the game? Sites like ownedcore spreads 'em like wildfire, and how many times do you see action taken or exploits fixed?

If you follow sites as Ownedcore and gather information from there and use it in the game then you are an exploiter as the site is clearly made for that purpose. What OP is saying here that he’s not wanting to tell about what is this exploit, it’s a clear advantage that the player is already using it against others in the game.

I don’t. I know of it though, and if you don’t know of it then you’re just ignorant. My point still stands though, Blizzard doesn’t ban often for abusing exploits, and if they don’t go viral then they aren’t quick to fix 'em.

In fact, the mere fact that you could only mention two exploits where Blizzard took action, with YEARS apart from each other, just strengthens my point.

You think they go official by every account closure that resulted a ban? No they are not. If your point is that: go on carry on exploiting, then you will definitely see a blue post that clarify why they banned players.

Again, I don’t use exploits. However, you yourself should make it a point to know of them so you can tell when people use it against you.
As for whether it gets an announcement or not, do you really think players wouldn’t complain about it if they didn’t know what they got banned for? Do you really think wowhead wouldn’t announce banwaves occurring, which you said will happen?

But anyway, instead of this pointless back and forth, how about just waiting to see what will happen to this exploit, yeah? I mean, if they’ll ban people for it as you say, then it’ll surely be talked about since it’s the new game mode that’s a big feature of the new expansion, yeah?

I’m absolutely down to see that how long exploiting pays for you as a player in the game. Systems for tracking are evolving also so it’s easier to track it too.

Fun fact for you: I’ve never exploited, so it’d be pretty hard for them to ban me for exploiting. You being convinced otherwise is hilarious though, and kinda pathetic.

I’m not outright blaming you here for exploiting but you are cherishing that players can do so. ‘’ If they haven’t banned anyone yet ‘’

It needs to spread on social media so they’ll get a fire behind their butts to start moving. That’s what history has shown, when only few people know about exploits then Blizzard tends to take a really long time to fix 'em.

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well we are not talking about stealing crown jewels tho :smiley: