You were on the wrong shard. We have 101 alliance heroes in Zuld for most of the afternoon/evening, until alliance bed time (jk sry). Was like groundhog day
I have done my pvp quest solo in under 25 minute. I camped one of the world quest in nazmir and stayed hidden behind the trees and once the horde engaged with the elite mob, I came and Greater pyroblasted them down one by one.
Their salt and tears all went into creating my new 400ilvl weapon which I am going to come back once again next week to collect them for my another new 400ilvl item.
First off , i hardly doubt you were alone since no alliance would survive alone xD
Second, maybe try good players instead of new players that are clicking the skills ?
This is whats going to happen since blizzard has no clue anymore on how to balance something … horde will just turn off war mode and move on… 10% is nothing …and there is absolutely no reward in it for horde to stay in war mode… sowhy even bother getting swarmed by 40 alliance players every 10 seconds…