There's not enough nerf sub rogue threads here

No no, I’m asking why YOU don’t, since you have such fetishes for linking breakdowns. Is it perhaps…you’re too biased? You’re quick to demand nerfs to everything you get slapped up by, but I haven’t seen you be impartial and look for any sort of specific nerf to Lock…ever?

Lock counters Mage = no posts from you

Lock counters Balance = no posts from you

You lose to a Sub Rogue = nerf nerf nerf nerf

Like i said, it’s because you’re blind. :slight_smile: I literally did post destro breakdowns already and even opened threads about it. Not recently but that’s mainly because there were already ones and i just decided to join in on them.

I am the least biased person you will find here. Nice try though. :slight_smile:

So impartial that you think it’s justified that Destro can do massive numbers with chaos bolt because they have to spend a second casting it :rofl:

Oh and for the record:

I guess you didn’t see me telling people who I was because:

See how easy it is to use your weak arguments against you?

Finally a smart answer , playing against sub just put you on a timer to death.
You can just do an unexpected counter go on them to win but you need to keep them locked for 7 seconds using all 3 stuns available or they will just vanish away
And if you trinket oh boy it’s finish for you

Yeah tbh that’s kind of a problem.

In the past (again) there was Smoke Bomb which you’d trinket, and Blind probably, or a particularly good setup. That set the structure of the game, and then the Rogue team basically had to force stuff on normal goes by doing them really well, to kill with what’s above, or kill on a good normal go because everything was forced with what’s above. There was a somewhat clear pattern for both sides on how to win the game.

Right now… well some comps/classes have many outs for CC so it’s fine for them. Others have only the three standard trinkets. So, if you trinket Smoke Bomb, you can die in Duel. If you trinket in Duel, there is Smoke Bomb. If the healer trinkets Blind when you’re in a stun because you could die, then because Shadowdance resets itself and has two charges then the healer can be instantly swapped to and die, or swapped to next go because Sub can kill every DR now, and die as well.

There are so many options to just end up killing someone in 4s (because Sub can kill in 4 to 7s but they also have teammates actually). It’s a very poor gameplay. And it makes stuff such as Demono actually fair because now you have a way to counter CC when your entire team is CC’ed with the pet, so… yeah.

It’s just really wrong.


No because at some point i literally just skipped your posts. :joy:

This build doesn’t have the one-shot potential of the Flagellation nor Dark Brew build, which are still at 45 sec-1 min interval depending on if you go without CB or hold for it. I don’t see Eviscerate going above 100k either. Myself, I see ST most often around 50-70k mark each with the Rotten build. 5-6 sec dance which is ruined basically by anything. Either way, generally against CDR except if it were affecting 3-5 min CDs.

I have difficulties sympathizing. I play both classes and I don’t find subs difficult to deal with, defensively having Death Pact ending up at 900k (or 1.1mill HP when coiling out of it), HS, gate, port, wall and precog. As demo we have Axe Toss while CC’d aswell.

I feel this meta is really fun and some getting used to, sure, but overall really good. Now let’s focus on lifting the bottom up a bit and let things play out a bit.

Amazing how that works isn’t it?

I aint gonna lie but what defensives does Sub rogue even have. I am playing it and Elusiveness Evasion and Feint barely get by.

Try Cloak, Cloak + Veil of Midnight, Vanish, and also the second Vanish, and the fact that both those give you the rest back thanks to Shadowdust.

Always the same when rogues are strong, so many people who are just plain bad at the game crying about them.

  1. Don’t trinket air.

  2. Dont go them unless you have a stun that will sit on them for a decent duration.

  3. Disrupt the shadow dance.

If you are dieing to sub its because you either allow them to cc the whole team, your teamates are not peeling for you if you are his kill target OR i refer you to point 1.

Its a spec that specialises in punishing bad play so if you feel like you are getting smashed by sub i’m afraid i’ve got some news for you…

Also is the OP trolling, complaining about a strong spec while on Warlock kekw

or they are both broken…

Damn, there is so much cluelessness speaking out of this post, it’s actually hilarious.

The only one trolling here is you calling sub “strong” when it is just broken op and also ignoring the fact that a sub rogue can literally cc the entire enemy team on his own if he wants to. Also just read Shadenox’s post, you might learn something.

I can post from another class next time if it makes you feel better.

I’ve got some news for you: everyone who disagrees with you has way higher xp than you. But hey, you have 2 duelist titles, i guess you just know better than all the R1 complaining about sub. :man_shrugging:

Not to mention you actually had to stand behind your target for Ambush and Backstab to work.

I miss Cataclysm sub rogue. Current iteration is boring.

Lol… Dont trinket air … I think you are pressing the wrong button because sub rogue don’t even need anymore to do “fakes goes “ anymore … now every 25 sec they have the potential to kill you or solo kill you … that makes them really oppressive
So please don’t open your mouth just to give air …
I mean before you could trinket and that would put you on the condition that you had to win the match in ~ 1 min … that was kinda ok .
But now… if you trinket you have 20 sec that’s not ok … just to see them run away with God mode cloack of shadow ?
They have the lowest cd immunity in the game come on dude

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I think you forrgot shadow :slight_smile:

Just seen rogue took out fury war in 2 seconds or smth 150k +151k + 140k DMG. Rogue said, I was just lucky.
Armor works only against MM these days?
And feels like rouge ain’t the kill target anymore, just dancing in the middle of map whole game.

Jaimie was saying on stream when he was playing with Swapxy and Lontar (i think) that going rogue is absolutely troll as they can’t die anymore.

But hey, rogue “mains” prolly gonna try to tell you otherwise. :man_shrugging:



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