These measures against one-shotting in pvp is ruining the game

To be clear, you are saying that plate users should get physical mitigation for “free” but spirit based mitigation should be a trade-off? (To be more precise healers and some casters will get spirit for free as well)

No its not, I play a paladin.

Thats true but if a class with good disengage potential have the same magic mitigation as a frontliner, then that class will live way longer and deal way more damage.

armor is its own class of “balance”

clothies are designed around being easily killed, leather users a bit less so, while mail is supposed to be relatively mid to kill, while plate is supposed to be straight up hard to kill.
this is of course strictly in the realm of PHYSICAL damage.

do i really need to explain the whole melee vs caster pro/cons concept/philosophy here?
spell damage is a different equation entirely since it literally ignores the existence of armor, and thus should be its own class of mitigation, if you start mixing it up with armor you’re gonna be running into a a bunch of problems almost immediately.

the fact of the matter is that in SOD, many new runes are ignoring the balancing aspect of armor classes, and this is putting classes like warrior at a severe disadvantage.

the best way to remedy this is to either rework some of the runes to be physical damage (such as envenom, chimera shot etc.) but that would anger a lot of people, so the only other viable alternative would be to address spell damage (add mitigation against it) directly.

evasive casters (mage) and rogues benefitting a little more from spell mitigation than a warrior or shaman due to their larger pool of spirit or proclivity to be evasive is a problem that can be fixed through the value system i included in my suggestion.

1 spirit for a warrior could give 0.5% spell mitigation while 1 spirit for a priest could give 0.2% (or even less) so they would ultimately end up with same-ish spell mitigation despite the priest having a lot more points in the stat.
obviously this includes all the classes in the game, so if its decided rogue should benefit a bit less than other melee due to their dodgy nature, then just do that.

they have certainly been nicer to both warriors and paladin in phase 3 of SOD, but in phase 2 warriors (and i bet even some paladins) were running around in the rogue leather tier set bro.

just go look at the plate vs. mail/leather stuff in gnomeregan, the plate is absurdly poor compared to the mail/leather gear when it comes to pure stats.
i mean, just go take a look at warrior bis list for phase 2, there’s literally only 1 plate item in that list and thats the warsong rep bracer.

to act as if blizzard has been keeping plate in mind from the start is a little disingenuous.
it was clearly an afterthought until people started to complain about it during phase 2.

correction; that class designed to be evasive will live slightly longer against a mana user. a warrior couldn’t give 2 sacks of :poop: how much spell mitigation you’re rocking, which will ultimately be what keeps everyone in check.

gear too much towards spell mitigation and the warrior will punish you for it.

You can explain it, but it completely irrelevant in a sod discussion where all classes expect warrior deal heavy magical damage.

100% agree with you, but we are not getting the nerfs. It is completely clear that they are only nerfing the most outrageous stuff. If armor would mitigate spell damage, then melee classes would might stand a chance.

Yeah I was running around in leather too.

Warriors are not keeping anybody at check, they are getting rooted, slowed and melting in the storm of magical damage.

Bro we would never hear the end of it. that’s why IF spell mitigation was to be added to a stat, it absolutely cannot be strength, agility, intellect, stamina or armor.

it has to be some obscure stat that people aren’t already stacking for pure power… hence; spirit.

priest is the only class that even has interest in spirit, its useless to anyone else, and honestly even priest look at spirit as a poop stat, its just sort of a “sure i’ll take it” kind of stat, its not like anyone goes “OMG LOOK AT ALL THAT SPIRIT ON THIS [gear piece]”

with some spell mitigation in the game it should alleviate the woes of warriors though.
i am very aware that they are getting the short end of the stick in regards to pvp.
i have one myself and phase 1 and 2 were so atrociously balanced against warrior i didn’t even bother to level him to 50 in phase 3 because i was lowkey expecting more of the same.

The numbers have to be tuned further and hopefully they will but the pace of the game felt much better than the 1980 Envenom crit fiesta that was before, try healing others and yourself when a rogue does that to you and you have no CC or way to escape with your 3k unbuffed hp pool against such absurd incoming damage numbers.

Double mending with the occasional druid hot + shamans insta healing makes for unkillable players.
You can’t CC them long enough for anyone to die.

This is actually quite ridiculous.

It took -50% damage taken to make Warriors a working class for pvp. “Some” spell mitigation is far from enough if the damage reduction aura is removed or significantly lowered.

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i’m aware it won’t be enough, its not supposed to cover warrior entirely. its just supposed to do something about the general issue that is magic damage - across the board.

warrior needs special attention to address their survivability in pvp, which is also why i am a fan of making plate armor matter more.

I think the game is just broken in a different way now. We only had very little time to experiment with the new modifier and we are already seeing builds that are just as broken as the builds of unmodified era. Give it a week or 2 and we will be back at the same place or even worse.