These measures against one-shotting in pvp is ruining the game

These measures against being one-shot is the reason I stopped playing World of Warcraft back in the days. Now it is happening again.

You can’t design a game with healers in a way so that players become bullet sponges just because some don’t like getting one-shot. And what is the problem of getting one-shot? It is not like any class can reliably one shot anyone at any time. If some clothie gets one-shot by some warrior getting a wf-proc and sword proc on the same swing, then that is not a problem. If some caster is neglected and allowed to cast a long cast time and high damage spell, then that is not a problem. If someone in the front line at Blacksmith in AB gets targeted by all ranged in the opposite faction and obliterated, then that is not a problem.

In fact, a couple of the main problems in pvp are things like the following:

  • The absurd amount of dots and the damage they do. For example, a shadow priest can use two instant cast dots to secure damage corresponding to >80% of the target’s health without most classes being able to do anything about it.
  • The absurd amount of instant damage abilities paladins have. Paladins were originally designed for a playstyle mainly using auto attacks. This also meant that Divine Shield, which gave them reduced attack speed, also gave them significantly reduced damage output as a trade-off. In SoD this is no longer the case since paladins are no longer dependent on auto-attacks for damage.

The game does not need general health buffs in battlegrounds of general pvp damage reductions. It needs individual class adjustments.


Bro , this is phase 1 again. Where healers can stand still and outheal Jesus ! Only damage is range damage! Melee can uninstall from the Get go

what i would have liked to see, personally, is blizzard doing better when it comes to taking armor into account.

many new runes bypass armor entirely, causing the already bursty meta to go into overdrive as now even classes that are supposed to mitigate damage (such as warrior) get clapped by classes that formerly had no ability to bypass their mail/plate armor values without using sunder armor or other such abilities.

giving hunters chimera shot, giving rogue envenom, giving pala exorcism etc. etc. all contribute to nerfing armor across the board, resulting in a dumb meta where clothies and leatherers reign supreme since their toolkits are built around NOT taking damage, whereas armor users like paladin, shaman, druid and warrior are very much supposed to be built around being able to take and mitigate damage.

its wild tbh… its like armor doesn’t even factor into their decisionmaking at all.
when 90% of the runes they toss into the game are magical damage and thus bypass armor entirely, you can’t really act surprised when armor users get angry.

another thing they could do (which would shoot 2 birds with 1 stone) is change spirit (the stat) to apply magical mitigation similar to armor - but for magic.

so like everyone hates spirit, nobody likes it as a stat. its objectively garbage and not even priests really want to stack it… but if every point of spirit gave like 0.2%-0.5% magical mitigation, you’d see people actually checking their gear for spirit points when heading into pvp… and even certain pve encounters.

it would be an interesting change of pace to say the least… i always wondered why casters just got a freepass when it comes to dealing with armor. its pretty bonkers that up until now, no casters ever had to even consider their opponents armor values, because to them, its literally non-existent, so it might as well be permanently sitting at 0, which is … well, bonkers.

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I think someones mad cause its indirectly a nerf to rogues. tbh, I love this change, now I can actually start outplaying ppl in sub spec instead of zug zug pve spec 2-3 muti spam kill. This is exactly what the game needed. Slower pace to outsmart your opponent


The sod devs simply do not understand classic.

They are “retail damaged” and cannot think in any other way.

Right , game needed scrubs with 20 avg parse outhealing gamers couse of op bs


Some instant healing nerf reductions would do good. Classes like shaman, warlock and druids should get nerfed instant healing wise and then this is a really good change

you might change perspective on that once healers in the chat go “guys im sorry, but i just can’t outheal the damage caused by the boss/mob”.

awful and selfish suggestion.

AB feels good now, now you can actually last longer in group fight and do more than OS or get OS in 3s

Completely agree with you, magical damage is out of control. But I think making spirit the magic defense stat would only cause more problems. Only healer top gear is itemized for spirit. Casters have higher base spirit. I think this change would only make casters even stronger.

I think armor giving magic mitigation would be a much better solution.

well, wouldn’t it make sense, even lorewise that a wizard (warlock, priest, mage) would be naturally more adept at dealing with incoming magic damage?
i mean… its literally what they do for a living.
even shaman, paladin and druid could be given some leeway on this, because they also have some knowledge of the arcane arts, but in dark souls/warhammer terms, their magic is more based on “faith” rather than pure “intelligence” if that makes sense. (inb4 OMFG THATS HOT HOW SHAMANISM/HOLY LIGHT/DRUIDISM WORKS!!!)

naturally a few tweaks to gear might be needed as plate/mail/leather with spirit is essentially non-existent right now.

if something like this were to happen, i would see no problem with adding some spirit to already existing gear across the board.

add some spirit points to plate here, remove some spirit on cloth there, and before you know it everyone will have access to a healthy amount of spirit points, big or small.

then the only remaining issue would be; who gets to be the king of spirit and who gets to be the peasants? everyone should get some, but some should get more than others, based on the needs and lore friendliness of their class.

for example, it doesn’t make much sense in terms of lore for a warrior to have a lot of spirit, but in terms of sheer game balance it does, because they need magical mitigation arguably more than any other class on the roster, but to simply attach magic mitigation to armor would allow warriors far too easy access to this pretty valuable stat and thus basically make it a no-brainer to just stack more armor for more mitigation, both physical and magical.

the whole point of adding it to spirit is to make sure classes like warrior will at least have to consider what they are giving up to pump more points into their “magic mitigation” when it comes to gearing.

heck, nobody said that everyone should benefit the same per point of spirit. just like warriors, shamans and paladin benefit more from strength than rogues and hunters do and in reverse, rogues and hunters benefit more from agility than the 3 aforementioned classes do.

same design philosophy could be used for spirit points.
example: priest gets 0.5% magic mitigation per point of spirit, mage/lock gets 0.3% per point… warriors get 0.5%, shaman/pala gets 0.3% etc. etc.

GL outplaying few heals on bg bro, where 2 hots can keep a person alive vs 3 people.Both warsong and AB turned into total mess.U just cant kill fc druid under heals he just stands in middle of the map and /dances.On AB its even more rediculous the first team to get a base will keep it cause again there is no way u kill something under heals,unless they are oom, the pvp is not only your 1 vs 1 in the world,dude,main thing devs shoudl take into consideration are BG’s.Overal, this patch was a horrible way to fix the problem,they dont want to add resilence but reducing FLAT dmg by 50 % seems like a good way for them.

Sod dev team are complete and utter morons, they prove this time and time again, did their moms get them their jobs or something? It can’t be due to ability or qualifications.


Lol i dont think pvpers care about these stupid pve parses at all :rofl:. I never visited sunken Tempel and i would rather Play Boss mechanics then parsing lmao

You sound like someone who never saw a school from the inside and just drinks beer

As I mentioned earlier, we need to nerf healing as well, especially instant healing. Shamans riptide/maelstrom proc heals, priests penance, druids wild growth and hots, mages instant ones etc.

We should support more casting than instants, this will do good for pvp

Anyone that uses a mana bar can uninstall as well. Its pointless to even play. If blizzard wanted to get rid of the PvP playerbase, I guess they will achieve it with this change, and the game will die.

  1. How do you get OS (one shot) in 3 seconds? 3 seconds is an eternity in pvp, one shot implies within the range of one second, at most.
  2. If you get focused by 3-4 people in a group fight you should die in 3 seconds, or faster, and that is totally fine. You shouldn’t survive that. And during 3 seconds you can do a lot to help your group to prevail, even if you die.

I think you made some very good points on trading DPS for defense, which should be a thing. But I think you are not considering that some classes defensive kits are built around not getting hit. Also current meta is very non-physical damage heavy.

If a priest and a warrior have the same mitigation then the priest will have much more longvience. The priest do not have to be in the Frontline the warrior have to.

Thinking about gear choices, I really liked how gnomer plate had less stats than gnomer leather. I think this kind of itemization could be a good solution. What you think?

hmm, just because a class might be designed around not being hit, doesn’t mean that they will achieve this goal - everyone will get hit eventually, everyone dies. its the one thing that we all have in common.

if the argument is that those designed to take hits would benefit unfairly, we could be even wackier with the idea.

how about spirit gives warriors (and maybe bears and prot paladin) magic mitigation (as per my idea), casters get an equal amount of physical mitigation and hybrids get half of both?

see, its already starting to get a bit convoluted because you’re asking me to change the specifics away from being streamlined to being more tailormade, and i can already tell its causing all sorts of problems, because druid and paladin, even when tank specced still classify as hybrid, so like… now im finding myself in a situation where i can’t justify my own idea, because now i’d have to limit the spell mitigation aspect, basically just to warrior…

scrap it.

spell mitigation only, across the board. if you benefit you benefit, if you don’t, well, sucks to lose i guess.

when it comes to plate, i am a firm believer in the idea that blizzard treat plate users unfairly, as if they need to be “taken down a notch” when it comes to how many stats they are ‘allowed’ to get on their plate as a means to compensate for getting more armor - this is completely dumb. whats the benefit in wearing plate if you’re gonna rob me of stats? that’s clown world design.

plate should come with the full benefit of the extra armor without being given less stats to “compensate”.

the reason you see warriors intruding on mail and even leather loot, is because plate simply doesn’t give them the stats they need. - thus plate is not being used and may as well not exist.

they feel like they have to make a tradeoff to get their armor vs. stats, which must feel horrible as a player.

originally, one of the big advertisements that were supposed to make the warrior look attractive (this is pre-2004 stuff) was their access to plate as one of the big advantages of the class.