They are doing the time-skip in Shadowlands wrong

After viewing the new starting zone for Shadowlands I came to the conclusion that blizzard are doing the time-skip entirely wrong (if they even are doing a time-skip). After we save Jaina she says that she dosen’t know how much time has passed, she guesses at least a few weeks or a month. This could mean that the alliance has waited a few weeks or a month before deciding to venture into the Shadowlands, and she just lost track of time, but i don’t think the alliance and Horde would have waited that long to save it’s leaders. It could also mean that time passes differently inside the Shadowlands, for a time-skip to work then time would have to go by slower in the Shadowlands however from the opening it seams as time passes faster.

I believe that blizzard has gotten this mixed up since if we are to expect a time-skip then time should pass slower in the Shadowlands and not faster! Please help me get this message to blizzard!

Or perhaps time works entirely differently. Sometimes it goes slower, sometimes faster, sometimes it stays still, sometimes it goes at different speeds for different people.

Perhaps it goes faster now, but once we kill XY, it will go much slower. Or perhaps time plays different in the Maw than in the rest of Shadowlands.

There’s so many possibilities. And all we were told, is that time works differently in Shadowlands.

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