<They call it a mine> 8/8HC 2/8M (Sunday/Monday 21:00 – 00:00st) LF raiders, M+ and social

Guild was put together at the start of the expansion and we have hit our goal of getting AOTC this session and our goal is now to expand our ranks further ready for season 2

While we don’t expect people to have to be playing which ever class/spec is flavour of the month we do ask that you are coming to raids prepared knowing your class/rotation, boss fights, food buffs, flasks etc. You are looking to improve and comfortable with feedback.

We raid Sundays and Mondays 21:00 – 00:00 (server time) with off days being filled with M+ runs so happy for people to join or are also looking for a friendly environment to play some M+

We are mainly looking for the below for the raid group but all welcome:

If this sounds like something you would be interested in reach out to:

MonkeyMagic #21893
Mudflapp #2243

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