They censored body type 2

Do you know the blademaster necklace (cheast) They made body type 2 wear a top meanwhile body type 1 characters can wear it naked.


Least you can still be a macho [body type 1].

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I prefer the change but I think it would be better if they just made it a head mog.


For mogging purposes it’d be nice if the necklace slot could be lower head wear, such as the beads and glasses, while the helm remains top or overall headwear, like hats, hoods and helms.


You already wore a top; just your default race one. So this is actually more interesting imo.

In other news: The blue and yellow sandals have still not been fixed and still make your feet into ugly blobs.

The brown sandals got fixed quite some time ago, so I don’t know what the issue is here.

Yeah I’d love that.


I’m use much this mog but on Type 1 all times.

No idea what look like on type 2. Was show thier bras, right?

Yes. Now it’s more like a tube top or bandages sort of.

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at least you have feet. my troll is walking barefoot

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That’s no excuse not to have good sandals when they proven they can make them; as they’ve added two good versions already.

Also: Troll feet are gross. :sweat_smile:

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i mean i havent looked at it on a female but i assume they just sported a bra after it.

Improving a piece of gear to be even more unique is censorship now?
Hide the top and there’s just as much skin showing as there was with the previous beads.

In fact I wish I could have the wrap without the beads, the shirt slot ones look nowhere as nice.


I’m all for calling out intentional censorship but I don’t think this is really censorship.

The change looks better and is more fitting with a Blademaster look.


This is exactly censorship , because apparently showing a bra , or in some cases such as dracthyr , a swimsuit is not OK .
This Item was supposed to be a necklace . Heck it is even called Blademaster’s azure stones . Not wrappings and stones .

If they wanted to add shirt to go with it , the correct way would have been to add a second item and keep the original as was.
Honestly there’s a TON of bugs and they spend dev time on changes like this lol .
Glad I only bough one color and didn’t waste more tender on this .


We can agree to disagree on this, I think the new look is better.

This would be the art team dealing with stuff like this though, so its has no impact on those other bugs.

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Right, I wouldn’t call it censorship since the bra-look is still something you can get by just hiding chest…

…but it’s a bit stupid because you could combo the bead chest with any shirt, and now the chestwraps clip on top of whatever shirt you had before.

Oh I agree that looks stupid but they’re two different transmog slots so the game doesn’t know to filter out the shirt piece.

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Yeah exactly. What I’m just saying that if you had a mog with the beads before that used a shirt of some kind, it’s now ruined, which kinda sucks.

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It is not matter of agreeing on disagreeing on what it looks like and what you like .
If you want to make an item that looks better , by all means do . Variety is good .
But make a new item .
Don’t brake the the one that is already in .

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Tbh I always found it strange that necklace replaces armor, I have no opinion on the change I only find it nonsensical that necklace by default hides armors :joy:

Its not specifically about what you like either, Blizzard has made the change and its unlikely going to be reverted.

I don’t think the first iteration was Blizzards intention for female characters hence the change.

I was also disagreeing on your take of it being censorship…

Unfortunately its only transmog for a single slot, I agree they could have made it so that the beads were maybe a head piece and the wraps were chest but this is what they’ve come up with.

It being broken is totally subjective.