So u stopped now or u back?
just got 2030 cr frost now, won x5 owned all in cleave burst they had no chance
Does not mean frost is good but its doable
Think it’s precisely what blizzard ment when “Frost is struggling but good in certain circumstances”
If we get to perform our cleave you can feel like a god in PvP, problem is that the counter to that is to move just slightly, and there’s a long setup.
DK is being neglected for sure, even as Blood, we deal the least DPS from all tanks even with the upcoming 8% buf we are significantly behind. Purgatory is even more broken since the launch of DF and overall experience as Blood is not good at all. Rest of the specs are so underwhelming to play, when you press 100 buttons to get prot pala level of DPS…
My new name is updated, it’s a good new name.
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