They need to remove garrote silence

remove it at the same time as shadowy duel… oh and remove sudden passive demise


Yes. Extremely obnoxious spell, 12 second buff being able to use garrotte is ridiculous. Also need to nerf subterfuge back to 3 seconds.

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AoE garrote and Shiv are indeed strong. allso dont forget aoe rupture give 20% agiliti
im having fun in rbg.

especially sexi is when i crash into the stacked group of casters in 1 spot XD
if someone follow up me with bolts they just instant dead

sudden demise im not sure is it really that strong ?
i dont recognize enemy bleeding out sudenly to death xd

Realistically they just need to make it be the first 3 seconds out of stealth they can use Garrote silence, and maybe remove the AoE so they actually have to use brain to apply it, like Outlaw has to with Cheap Shot.

yep subtifuge should never be a thing

Mmh. Strange combination of words considering the current metagame.

I know what you’re saying, but Outlaw has to think a little more on their globals than Assa.

Assa has silence baked into the rotation, Outlaw has to use a global for each player they wanna Cheap Shot, so in say, an SS environment, it’s a choice between burst or control.

They also don’t have Shadowstep anymore so it’s slightly slower.

I’m not saying Outlaw is bad, but using CC with Assa is 5 times easier, and in some cases, more broken. Against casters Assa just wrecks, spammable silence followed up by stun/gouge/blind, it’s crazy. And the globals required for it compared to the same control on Outlaw, there’s no competition.

Assa has worse mobility and access to vanish than outlaw, yet both require vanish to do their damage. Garrote doesnt just silence; sure in a SS you wont run out but in any long game you cant just lol vanish as assa.

Imo root breaking sprint should exist if they are hellbent on stealth being needed to damage.

Assa probably also has the worst, most countered offensive cd in the game.

I’m hearing you, I just still feel it’s atrocious how a single rogue spec can lock specs like mine out of the game for 10-15 second periods at a time, without them even trying, and there’s absolutely dog I can do about it.

I get some specs just counter others, but Assa is especially nasty into casters. I’d always rather face Unholy DK, which was supposed to be the anti-caster, but nah.

The only way for a caster to face Assa rogue, is to never face them at all at the moment.

Legit just shorten how long Garrote can be used to silence out of stealth, and maybe cut the AoE part off, at least prune it to only 2 targets.

so your saying garrotte as it is now in its braindead state is fine? you crazy

Yeah most disgusting ability by far atm, extremely broken especially since subterfuge last for that long.

Even if you get the rogue out of stealth it doesn’t matter, don’t forget iron wire debuff on top of that.

Should be the first garrote that silence and after normal bleed dmg, simple fix.

If your caster is standing still and doing nothing sure Assa can CC for longer due to having a silence, but in reality Assa has 30s CD 25y range step that requires a target (which means it can be lined, it can’t be used to get closer if you are more than 25y away from targets you want to get to etc) while casters have 40y range, meanwhile Outlaw has 4x 40y Hook that has cooldown reset, doesn’t require a target, bonus 15% movement speed compared to other Rogue specs (that already have bonus speed right), AND Outlaw also have shorter GCD than other Rogue specs when Adrenaline Rush is active, which is half the time, AND Outlaw resets its Vanish to keep stunning while Assa does it twice and then it’s once every 2min. And in the end Outlaw ends up CC’ing more because it can reach to do it, and do it faster, and do it more often.

That is why Outlaw is the best spec, and the most successful at high rating (where the best players play, and because they play to win most of all, they always play what gives them the most chances to win).

the current version of rogue is one of the most toxic gameplay ive ever seen in wow… u r legit staring at your silenced or stuned character for a solid 15 seconds, then it goes into cloak, and then its either vnaish and when dr off back to it, or blind or smoke and so on, u r never rly figthing a rogue, u r just trying to survive the cc and silence chain, THEN u have to pray he waste CoS instantly so u have an actual shot at playing the game by landing a db sheep and force at least his trinke,t so u can wall his next go or block it so u can FINALLY fake cast a sheep into resetting the fight in your favour maybe, forget damaging, even landing a sheep on a rrogue is gonna cost u all your defensives, trinket, and prolly half hp very often, THEN u can start attacking, and if he has clolak, u go into an instant flop aand have to wait your softburst or full burst again, because your filler is definetly not gonna do much to him

they can keep garrotte, but silence has to go fr. and tbh id look into this insane cheapshot spam too…


Not gonna happen.

Too bad for you lol

agree, notihng worst than triple silence, into a triple cheapshot - its crazy this can still be done tbh

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fr fr, imagine arcane explosion stunned people for 5 seconds and u can spam it lol thats how garrotte feels to casters

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