They Robbed Me Of My 2nd Page

I just did rank 10 on my cloak, getting got two pages from the instance. However, since I only needed one page to complete rank 10, when I tried to loot the second page I got an error message ‘you don’t meet the requirements for that item’.

I foolishly thought well, it might be in the mail, silly me.

What a cheap, nasty conniving set of tricksters robbing me of all that damned hard work, yet another nail in the coffin lid.

You didn’t meet the requirements for that item. You can’t overloot the pages. They’d be deleted from your inventory anyway, and rank 12 doesn’t even USE pages, you spoon :slight_smile: I know R11 does, but thems the breaks. You don’t pre-farm. You got your memontos!

I find that offensive, spoons are useful.


I… just… I mean…

i needed 1 more page for lvl 11… i did clear four zones knowing full well( expecting) not to get additional pages.
i mean…

You know.
You got legit complaints like. MAKE ESSENCE ACCOUNT WIDE!.
and you got… this…

There are somany bloody visions you can collect. so do it tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. seriously
Or just unsub because if this annoys you. Maby its time for a break.


It’s quest item so once gather all items you can’t loot anymore just like other quests.

Essences account wide is a legit complaint, no freaking way, it’s just fine as it is.

Meanwhile me : Guys, i only need 2 pages but we can do a full run! ^-^ extra mentosss

Jesus Christ, people will make an issue of literally anything.

If you need 8 boar buttholes to complete a quest and when you loot theres 9, do you rage about the extra one you can’t loot as well?


For once i agree with your toxic ( apperantly only me ) raging

Who the f*ck complains about a quest objective?!

:rofl: :joy:


I don’t recollect that boar buttholes quest, you sure that was in WoW?

Whats toxic about what I posted?

I mean, by your hypocritical standard you bypassed the naughty word filter to say bad words. I’m deeply offended, stop being so toxic please.


So after three CV drop buffs and the removal of bag limits on jars we are still complaining about ‘wasted runs’?

How many jars per week do you need to be given to finally chill about effing up a run here and there? I failed plenty by just being plain greedy, also got disconnected a couple times, my cloak is still capped, I’m doing 3-mask full clears, I’m all the way down on the research console, now starting to back up on the branching stuff to fill it in, and I still got leftover jars every week.

Seriously, it’s not a big deal if you don’t go 100% cloak upgrade or bust every single run.

Yes freaking way. It’s absolutely not fine now.

Least you did not odd bug (never seen it happen before and unlikely we see it happening again), where you die on entrance.

And finishing full clear with 500 sanity at r10 didnt work out this well, so I managed only 3 side objectives (as I did not yet have the gift perk).

Oh well. Still I am glad I only had to do 3 runs because of it and not 4 like other people did last week.

However despite this odd-bug I had last night and I do not know what caused it (not seen it happen ever since 8.3 start not any of my 20+ characters that visited visions), I think missing out a page or two is not tragic.

I am more surprised how imbalanced classes and specs are in there however…

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