They seriously needs to nerf hunter its not fun and boring

( this topic about class balance not player skills , otherwise you could play worst X spec in the game and do well with it doesn’t make it balance nor good just heads up )

as the title says im pretty much alot of hunter main andies go after me but…

reality of the fact is hunter dominate bg it require 0 effort to master and button mashing , ranged , no casting , mobility , pets , insane marksmanship damage machine gun , tons of traps , stealth and so on

and people wonder why people not playing arcane mage or fire mage or other squishy hard to play classes that are squishy and require ramp up while hunter 0 ramp up and just spam fest

what makes hunter toxic is not only you this class can counter casters but also can counter melee too , or say you play caster the hunter simply hide behind house > peak and shoot you while pet damage you > hide again while you casting spell and when your spell get LOS and cancelled then he shoot you again etc

PS: also btw i know how to deal with them and counter them easily as i been playing since 2012 nothing but pvp but its just very annoying and not fun to counter them , but player skills and class balance is not the same this

whats your main?

id happily take a damage nerf for a defence buff

make it so i have 2 charges of turtle

Why on earth would hunter need a defensive buff? in arena survival n BM hunters dies less than sub rogues. MM hunters which you´re forced to tunnel still statistically survives more than what is expected from a kill target.

For comparison on other kill targets.
Destro, 68.9% deathrate, affli 67.3% deathrate, Boomy 63.1% deathrate, assa 53.2% deathrate, feral, 53.1% deathrate. Demo, 52.1% deathrate. n then finally on 7th place MM at 50.4% deathrate.

Survival sits at 31.5% deathrate and BM at 32.6%. You´re forced to tunnel MM hunters n it still barely dies, survival n BM arent even considered viable kill targets n they share defensives.

Unless locks n feral needs huge defensive buffs MM surely doesnt need them either.

If we look at 3v3 it dies even less, especially if we look at higher ratings where they stop backpaddling.

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they outperform on dps,
if you nerffed the damage they do. the matches would last longer, and the death rate would increase logically
you would have more time at killing them as you are surviving longer post nerfs

exactly what happened to DH in DF and Ret post nerfs when they was god tier

Ret n DH when they were godtier dealt way too much damage n were practically immune to death.

Hunter doesnt need anywhere near the defensives they have currently, BM especially needs a very significant dmg nerf with no compensation at all. its currently outperforming feral druids overall.

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