Thicc bois and gals where you at?

I like Cake Pizza and Coke.

You are still labeled as a Gnome monk.
You will never step foot in Gnomeregan again! I swear it on my mothers tinkering tools!


Is it my imagination or do the females have Panda butts?

imgur. com/a/2mO8FMH

and before some asks anything… the friend of the cousin 3rd grade of my best friend had this image on his facebook page.

Sort of a gnome at heart :heart:


I cant find my KT human from forum character list. :frowning:

Any suggestions. I thought I wanted to play my KT human as balance druid, but the moonkin form is actually rather…fugly. Yet the reason I picked the race was due to the unique models. I could always glyph it, but that would defeat the purpose of having druid KT. Help!

Why are there no zandalari in this thread?

Now, don’t kill the celebration!

1 Like

To late :slight_smile:

I guess it is. :grin:

Do u play on eu?


C.O.L.A.R starts buzzing
C.O.L.A.R: Cognitive Orientation and Linguistic Aggression, Repressor has been activated.
Repression in progress
C.O.L.A.R: The Subject has successfully been repressed!
C.O.L.A.R Shutting Down

…thank you for that kind complement, my kind Kul Tiran friend.


Yup, on Bronze-Dragonflight, why?

I am planning on making a alliace bud i dont want to wonder of in this new faction alone XD
I also want some thic boys

You can join our guild then.

Hypnotic @ Bronze-Dragonflight, whisper Chaotic and I shall show you the way to heaven. :joy:

Thnx i wil do around 3 EU time im prob gowing to make a gnome couse why not

You’re welcome. :wink:

Ore hepius
If u think about

I would love to post on it, i changed my warrior to a kulthiran, but now i can’t use my warrior on the forum at all o matter how many times i relog. i wonder how people got to post on their chars so quickly.

Probably the forum servers got a overload. If I only scroll through the forums I think a lot of people have made a change