Thicc bois and gals where you at?

Seen some great ones on Reddit so far

6,922 votes and 94 comments so far on Reddit


That name tho xd

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And this one!!!

1,091 votes and 83 comments so far on Reddit


Dammmm that mog tho
BTW ure mog is also awsome

Can I just say its hilarious seeing some of the Kul Tiran names. Great job all!

Transmogs look absolutely terrible on Kultirans, plate ones at very least.

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Nah plate looks fine on kulthirans compared to pandaren males. the only problem is shields dissappearing half into the spine of your character

Compared to Pandaren males… Just because it looks better than pandaren males doesn’t make it good. Shoulders look weird, belt is massive, clipping with shield. Customizations are also underwhelming, like you go into Zandalari you can pick so many things, Kul’tiran seem so dull, I’ll never forgive them for not adding thin version, that was better than both male and female kul’tiran combined, and already had animations and everything from female undead.

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Thank you :kissing_heart:

This one cracks me up too if you haven’t seen it.


Thats beautiful

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A nightmare. the 1st comment “i wanna unsee it” made me chuckle


A part of me wants them to never fix that.


Haha!! Fattys itt!

Allys are calling in the reserve forces i see.
They getting desperate, victory is close!

Racial should be -10% movementspeed and can only jump half as high :smile:

I can’t help but laugh.


/ cast haymaker

Your farming abilitys does little to me, and my pet dont eat hay either.
Pet only eats warm meat from my enemys :sunglasses:
Must teach him not to eat these new fattys, healthy diet, noone wants a fat pet.

https:/ /

Should we gather for whiskey and cigars tonight?

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i’m so torn on whether to start tanking or healing as druid ahhh