Thicc bois and gals where you at?

<-- My gnome grew up. :crazy_face:

… and outwards. :stuck_out_tongue:

No, no. My gun is the same size.

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At first I was a bit skeptical but I really don’t regret race changing, KTs are pretty shweet :>

For me kul’thirans look much more like how i expected humans to be when i first played wow after playing w3 for a long time. When looking at characters like peasants, uther, arthas and garithos. the males atleast

Finally i am one with them thicc’s.

Horde scum what are you doing in here? get back to your own race’s thread!

Oooooh, NOW I get the appeal!

They’re joke characters, right?

Like Gnomes

I just want that longcoat.

I’m a T H I C C tusk master.

ima tickle da belly when i see you next time!

Sudden urge to make worst troll kaizo level ever… Mario. Must. Suffer.

You tickle da belly but Mario’s gonna ride you like a yoshi! You mean lean green killing machine.

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