Thicc bois and gals where you at?

Healing as a druid is kind of fun if i remember correctly aha

Only read the title, hello?

Moar Reddits…

2,988 votes and 183 comments so far on Reddit

1,277 votes and 134 comments so far on Reddit


reporter mode

Destruct: Oke is it on and live? Then we can start with the documentary to warn the citizens the dangers of letting yourself go too much.

Cameracrew starts filming

Destruct: The pciture you see here is why we need to encourage healthy behaviour, everybody eats snacks or eats something unhealthy but not to this degree! These humans spend entire nights in the bar drinking and eating mostly greasy food!

camera zooms in on OP first then switches between them

Destruct: A prime example of a man who let himself go too much, and this girl she even lost an eye and still continuous eating! No wodner she has that scare on her eye! This kids is why in this dangerous world we call Azeroth you can enjoy life, but do not go too far. There remains dangers outside of the city and towns we live in. You may end up like one of these Kul Tirans! Every time they do a step they cause trembles in the earth! Huh? is thta an earthquake? Well I seem to have angered them. Uhm, Destruct out!

teleports away before they can haymaker me

Btw I’m disappointed because I still didn’t see a Kul Tiran named Cartman for jokes about having big bones.

Edit: I imagine this every time I see a Kul Tiran

Poor gnomes…

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For research purposes, right?

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There are too few kul’thirans in here

Woah, your mog is nice. You look so heroic! :heart_eyes:

i think the KT females doesn’t look much different from female dwarfs actually
The jumping animation is stolen from f draenei

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Took a while for it to appear in the character list but hey, must be hard for Blizzard to carry all them big boys to the list.


Love the name aha

Created a Female KT Prot. Warrior, called Chunkeigh a short while ago…


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Good to see everyone having a good time with them. Playing horde myself, so haven’t unlocked sh** :smiley:

Aim to do so at the end somewhere of the expansion, still have a human paladin to take through the Alliance storyline.

Currently playing my very long awaited troll :smiley:

And now I REALLY have to get that Mythic Antorus set, got 3 shammies, so give it a few weeks :slight_smile:

Zandalar forever!


Yooo! 2 mins queues for dungeon. i have to say these 2 new races are really successful!

That name haha :smile:

I finally unlocked them! Here’s my girl, SKULL STAAAAAAG <3

/flash :smiley: :smiley:

… and here I am - finally able to post.

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