Anyone ever encountered a guild thief? Someone who joins and think it is acceptable to take gold from the guild bank and items that other members left to put on the auction house and sell. Tareas-Thesha’tar is one of them. Be warned if you go to invite this person to your guild.
Not .
hate to see it,is it his blizz? or one of many alts he can use with no penalty
I haven’t encountered this, then again the few guilds I’ve been in have also usually had trial/apprentice type ranks for the rookies to earn the trust etc.
I have heard about it happening several times though. Really sad type of behaviour to do something like that.
Thanks guys, it’s really awful to see. I joined a decent community spirited guild and it’s robbing from other players who have contributed towards that community.
In anyone’s experience, do Blizz teams actually investigate it? Or is it a lesson learned sort of thing for the GM’s?
it is the new ninja looting,now when world loot is off,you need to be careful,you used to have player black lists of “not to add to guild/raid with” but now alts are way more common
Yeah you’re right, in early days of Moonglade, we had a good idea who the players and their alts were. Its so vast and different now with realm merge etc. Tareas was from the sha’tar
It happened in a guild of mine on another server. The reply to the ticked made was sort of: You should have paid more attention yourself.
So no, Blizz will do nothing about it. But they may do something about you, naming and shaming on the forum, so better edit your first post.
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