Things you hate most about World of Warcraft

About the game itself, not about the community please.

Sometimes, it happens that you get two bad mechanics thrown at you almost at the same time.

Last time, for me, it was in freehold, against the first boss, who did his Vile Bombardment followed by Pistol Shot.

Vile Bombardment puts a zone that slows you down and if you stay in that zone, it ticks for quite a lot of damage. You also immediately gets a tick when it is thrown at you. So you usually get two ticks, by the time you get out of the zone.

Basically, with the first tick, my health had dropped from 100% to 64%.
Then the second tick hit within 0.2 sec of Pistol Shot, which was enough to kill me at that point.
Total duration of the mechanic combo: 1.5 sec.

This has to be one of the two thing I hate most right now. And it sounds a lot like it’s just bad design to me, because how is a human being supposed to react that quick ? Given the size of the zone, you can even wonder if you could survive that even if you had absolutely zero delay in your reaction.

Void zones with vanishing edges that are not really vanishing edges.

This one is just as bad to me.
An image is worth 1000 words…

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I’d 100% say the rubber banding of balance
S tier one patch , to borderline unviable the next
Drives me mad
and the removal of cool content for silly reasons
MoP cloak, WoD ring? Old prof appearances, missing set pieces for unfinished set recolours, and the more controversial things


Could write 100 things but the horrible state of classes, raid items being BiS for m+ and still no gear vendor have to be my top 3.

Awww :frowning_face:
Okay, okay…

Finding or making a group. No joke; I hate it more than anything.


Not how it work.

First look at the parrot.

Parrot always throws the puddle at you if you are the closest player, and does so exactly AFTER the parrot charge.

Knowing this, position yourself close to where the parrot is gonna finish the charge.

Start moving as you see the parrot fly away after charging.

If you are good enough you will take 0 tick from puddle.

Profit, the only damage event is now pistol shot.

In no particular order:

  • New spec iterations being a jumble of hit n’ miss each expansion.
  • The plot of Shadowlands. Not the sub-plots, those were often fine.
  • The removal of transmog rewards.
  • Gamon.
  • The NPCs on the yak mount. Love the functionality, hate their comments each time I’ve dismounted since MoP.
  • Tier sets with some part missing from the loot tables. A belt, pair of boots etc.

Why? Interacting with strangers is interesting, especially on PvP :grin: although we cannot even use in-game communication tools.

Getting rejected as healer while reading all the QQ Threads about waiting hours for Healer

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This was for your own well-being, Tah.

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Cool trick. But it’s definitively how it works. What you’re doing with your suggestion is instead of getting the risk of getting the infamous combo on yourself, you transfer that risk to another player.

So, in the end, your team is still at risk.

Got it now?

That other people are in it

I always bait it as the healer given you have pretty much nothing else to heal, and is not about risking it, you have to dodge the puddle.

Mechanic played correctly means you take ZERO damage. Not even one tick.

Of course there is a risk if you fail, what would be the point of the mechanic otherwise?

But if you play it correctly you have 0 risk of being comboed.

1: buff nerf buff nerf buff nerf cycle.
2: constant gear reset and the hamster wheel of it.
3: open world criminally being underused.
4: blizzards slowness/laziness to make better character creation options.
5: raids/dungeons being the main focus of the game.
6: lore and constantly chasing more and more powerfull villains really has ruined so much.

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You mentionned NL avalanche, that’s a good thing, because this is another instance of this problem.

I have a resto druid friend who also seem to be able to dodge that. Tbh, I don’t even know how she can do it, as, for me, the delay between the moment the graphical hint appears and the actual damage is done is too short to move out of the void zone, even if you moved out of it as soon as it appeared.
Maybe I’m bugged. /shrug

Ye the principle is the same but NL avalanche have a big flaw compared to the FH puddle of first boss.

The ability isnt telegraphed as it should be.

They have a too quick cast time and the damage happen too quick, so the only way to do it is to track the CD of the avalanche itself and start moving when the cast is about to happen.

On the parrot, the puddle get thrown exactly when the parrot fly away after the charge, and having the charge as a reference that makes it pretty easy to track compared to NL avalanche which is 100% addon territory.

Healer/Rdps with good mobility are best for that especially if they do not lose dps over it.

Generally I love the game and there’s not many negatives about it, however I can for sure point out the following three:

  • Content like M+ and some bosses being mega overtuned at start, and being nerfed to oblivion weeks later. Azure Vault, Halls of Valor, 1st boss Halls of Infusion, Brackenhide Hollow, Neltharion’s Lair and some others in DF, Tazavesh, SD, 4th affixes in SL etc. are an examples of that. I really don’t understand the tuning sometimes - first they make it incredibly tight and borderline impossible, and then they nerf it to the ground. They should usually go for the ‘sweet’ spot inbetween, and it’s very rarely that. Either it’s faceroll, or it’s very hard.

  • Annoying boss / NPC mechanics and annoying WQs / quests in general. I hate some bosses and some adds from the bottom of my heart. Some are so frustrating. For example the elite mobs in Zaralek Caverns, jeez so annoying. Also some WQs are so annoying, especially the SL ones were so boring to complete. I remember never completing some WQs, because they were utter trash.

  • Bosses that punish the group way too hard if just 1 person dies. This is notable especially in M+ enviroment. Whole group shouldn’t be punished if one person sneezed at the wrong time for example.

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Probably most hated thing for me is existence of ptr servers, beta, alpha version, everything that gives spoilers and advantage to those who play those versions.


The un balanced classes and the fotm

I’d rather do horrible things to various parts of my body in a blender.
(not really ofc; but yeah, I absolutely hate it)

What is wrong with you?! :sob:

But I hate people! I want to be spiteful towards them!


So many friends of mine had to quit because they upped the hardware compatability. Their computers used to work Wow fine before they did that. I have had to put all y setting down to low to have any decent gaming experience. Even if i do weekly oitdoor boss my PC just freezes. If they do that again then I cannot play anymore.

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