Things you hate most about World of Warcraft

The direction of the lore ever since WoD.

Transmog pieces that still to this day don’t work right on the character models since they got updated or with new race introductions (Headpieces ‘floating’ for example). As well as hair or even beards disappearing (Feels bad having long hair, put on a hat and you go almost bald).

WoW Dragons. They are just really, really boring and feel kind of dumb so much of their stuff involve them purely in humanoid forms. Just feels more like they are humanoids with dragon shapeshifting abilities.

I hate how there’s 0 moderation for botting and toxic behaviour. No other game allows this much of freedom to game ruiners.

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The fact this is an old game, but still takes so many resources from the Dell laptop, I bought 4 years ago.
I’m not going to pay another £899, just to play WoW.


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This is not about “entitlement” its about RNG and the fact that you could play for weeks/months or even years and still not obtain this item depending on your “luck” and if no one else rolls on it.

Its about everyone being able to acquire items when they are relevant instead of a chosen “few” having them when they are relevant.

I would suggest having a loot system which rewards players with item’s they want/need instead of wasting your time going through a raid for the 1 item your farming for to not drop all the time.

Now unless you can provide a proper argument as to why only a select few people deserve to have these items when everyone is spending their time completing the same content, It’s a bit like the Lottery, Some will win, Most will lose but should this exist in a online game?

I’m not going to pay another £899, just to play WoW.

Switch to Classic.

1-3% drop rates on class legendaries that literally everyone wants.

3% could equate to you do the thing every week for a whole season and still never get it.

Drop me a fragment and tell me I need 5, 10, 15, even 20 fragments to get the legendary. Make it deterministic.

I will think about it: in a couple of years when the modern version isn’t able to be played on the laptop.


Okay I’ve got full bis week 1 at max ilvl now what? What is there to work towards

That it’s a game that plays the players for their time and money, but a lot of games are like that these days.

Did I say that you should be able to acquire BiS in week 1 but maybe at least have enough of a currency to buy 1 item per month from a raid vendor so at least you have an alternative method of acquiring the BiS items that are within the raid.

The biggest one is that they are focusing too much on the end game players, that they forget about casuals, and new player experience. The less, but also very huge to me: Game is too fast & too complicated for the new players. New player after coming to the game is called Champion, like why?. Too much buffs, debuffs, procs etc. There is no open world pvp. Back then you didn’t feel safe for 100% running around the azeroth, and that was great, you felt the danger, and connection to the world. RPG aspect is almost dead. Healers do damage, tanks do damage… I hate that so much that I can’t stand it. LFR shouldn’t exist. You can disagree, but I think they are adding too much stuff to collect in one patch. As a collector, I can’t fully complete the zone with the same amount of time like I had back them. It’s overwhelming. Remember: quality over quantity. Leveling is very bad, items has no value, because you are getting the same item on the dungeon with every level but with higher item lvl. Chromie time line while leveling is a VERY bad idea (the fact that you can choose the expansion to do dungeons is cool, but not open world. Open world should be one, without layers, shards etc.). The world that was divided became even more so after that change. You don’t see almost ANY player while leveling because of that. Same with zone scaling. Scaling overall is bad. I could point out much, much more, but will they listen? People are saying some of these stuff for years, and they didn’t fix anything. “You think you do, but you don’t”. At the end I can add that I hate combat addons, but I love usefull ones like Altoholic or Auctionator.

There are many things i really like ofc. Graphic is amazing, the upcoming pings on m+ are great, and a lot of QoL changes, but yeah. It’s a topic about downsides. Man I love this game so much, but there were so many changes that are ruining the game step by step… I think, and if you fix one, or two of them it won’t be enough. The whole game should be reworked.



Was just trying to complete all 19s last night going key by key into 20s, and my God it took me 15 mins worth of applying to get into Uldaman as Resto Shaman(got every other on 19, and was 2800 S1).

What is it then, lack of healers or lack of holy paladins on the key level where a blind alley cat could heal it.

It’s getting worse now with 10.1.5 the only Healer is Hpal right now. I also can qeue for hours without an invite if I’m not with my premades

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