Thing(s) you look forward to the most in TBC Classic

Yeah true that. Glad we’re seeing the end of such things in TBC. On our server in classic we have an infamous player who makes it his mission to kill every horde MC’er he sees, for the sole purpose of the rest not getting WB’s that way :grin:

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I mean, I know part of MMO is about having to interact with others, but I’d rather have some choice in who I interact with - isn’t it the whole point of having ignore lists and such? At least with guilds you get some degree of choice - you can’t exactly have everything, but there’s prolly at least one guild out there which is mostly to your taste (as long as the server pop is good enough).

The problem with Classic, though, is that between stuff like wbuffs, AQ event, ultra-rare recipes etc., you’re fully dependent on server-wide social dynamics (sometimes even involving the opposite faction) that you are forced to deal with regardless unless you leave your server - which, unlike leaving your guild, generally costs a lot of real-world money (especially if you have alts), so it’s not really a reasonable choice. It’s like telling somebody “If you don’t like it, you can always migrate to another country”, as if it was as easy as changing school or friends circle.

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True :slight_smile: /10char

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