This a place for a roleplayer? In other words: LFG!


I’m a “veteran” roleplayer recently returned to WoW for Classic (and Hardcore) side of things. I looked to and fro and figured this is the main roleplaying realm in Classic (WOTLK), but how active it really is?

Looking through some of the older posts here, it seems there is a roleplaying Discord, but is it still the case? Is either faction more popular in terms of roleplay activity, and/or are there any hubs or hotspots herein?

Thanks so much in advance! I hope to find a cozy niche for myself here!

Hey! :slight_smile:

Did you get in touch with the community on Wrath Hydraxian?
It´s a tiny realm, but there are still roleplayers around.

The RP discord is still there, if you didn´t join yet (the Neptulon one).

There are e.g. the Sunriver Dynasty on Horde, and on Alliance the World Tree (Nightelve themed guild).
Not sure i there is another one (beside the “Lilien von Stratholme”, which is a german speaking guild. Most of us will RP with you in english, too, but the guild is german. However, you can join the discord, too, because we have also an english area :slight_smile: )

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