''This cinematic is not available'' Error

Hello everyone!
The latest TWW pre-patch up until now, made cinematics unavailable.
The in-game cinematics work fine but the non-game cinematics just won’t start whenever I try to watch them during and after a quest.
The screen freezes for a few seconds then a ‘‘This cinematic is not available’’ Error pops up.

I contacted a GM but they couldn’t help, I did everything.

  1. Scan and repair
  2. Lower graphics quality
  3. Update graphics card driver
  4. Disabling addons (I play without them most of the time)
  5. Cancelling any background apps
  6. Run as administrator

I run the game on 4k with my
i5 4590
GTX 1060
The game runs fine for me except in a crowded areas where fps drop.

Maybe it is my network somehow? idk.
Thanks in advance!

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having the same problem tried the above and running no addons… no in cinematic/cut scenes works at all

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I play on a PC and a laptop.
I switched to my laptop and still the same error message.
I think this is something to do with the internet connection, I’ve read people using VPN and it worked somehow.

Same issue, no workaround I found online has helped so far…

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