This event will ruin the economy of retail

Blizzard has for years made huge gold sinks in retail to try to battle people who has earned throughout the years, where the majority of players weren’t able to buy it (like the AH mount etc).

Now, they have made a remix event where 0.1 percent of players are insanely overpowered and can solo most stuff, while the majority of players keeps getting punished by getting less thread every day thanks to the nerfs.

People won’t be able to ever get to the froggers power level, and people are starting to buying runs on retail for 4 to ten million gold.

This will literally ruin the economy for 99.9 percent of the player base on retail.

And I fear the reason Blizzard only nerfs for us and makes it less and less fun, is because a 4 million run requires 13 wow tokens to complete, which is alot of money for Blizzard.

Seems like this is all about real money for this company, without caring for the rest of their player base.

Blizzard said there is no gold exists in remix. Is this a lie?
Also, why would you rmt on a 3 month server? (i mean as a buyer) :thinking:


People buy the run through gold on retail, and then gets the run in remix.

My goodness these frogs really have invaded peoples brains.

Alex jones might actually have a point.


Hm. Okay. Amd whats the point of doing it?
And how it will influence economy as it does not bring new gold?

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people are so twitchy nowadays. everybody is panicking so hard. i get that it is a limited time event but take it easy damn. it’s so ironic when i hear the pandaren npcs tell me “slow down, life is to be savored” and everybody is going crazy on the forums


The forums were going to go crazy no matter what happened, there"s always people who can blow something inconsequential into a hurricane and a whole load of people who will blindly follow them no matter how irrational the claims are.

3 months limited time is massive, our gains are increasing by the day and there’s more to come. The wanting to get everything done now now now is where the flaw is.

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Isn’t that the whole argument against the frogers .

I Disagree with you on the premise you are painting here.

I seriously doubt, these runs will actually make any significant effect on the Retail Community. Especially when a Single Frogger can at most sell a single run per day.

Where other Boosts are done in Hours/Minutes. So 4 Mio Gold/Day is not really that much difference to 400K/hour. Not to Mention that a Siege run most likely even with Froggers takes some time.

BUT, …
I agree that this should not be allowed, and is another Reason to roll back the Froggers.

And everyone else whining about not having enough bronze at the start of the event when they have 3 months to dip in and out at leisure

So the exploiters won ? Used to be bannable and shamble offense and now people celebrate and defend them ,weird time to be alive


Its Just a few who diligently run in every thread to Defend them.

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Andrew Tate had a point until the cops barged in.

Im actually getting pretty close while doing my own things.

Out of Curiosity, how much Stats does your Cloak have? Just to get an Idea of what you think is close to someone who really dug into the Frogs.

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og come on. its been a week.
If ppl buying as they not storng enought yet is the ppl that want every first week.
I not done any of the farming except regular raid, quests, instances and all good on the bronze.
Yes i cant buy all now, but later.
enjoy the remix, dont rush it to end it

currently around 4000-4500

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I think they should rollback their progress in Remix, delete the rewards that they claimed. Also their gold from boosting in Remix should be also deleted in Retail.


Thats quite the amount of Stats, to be Honest I expected a lot less, because I was already Accused of Frogfarming in a Raid. And I only have around 3K Stats.

But I still think the real Crazy Frog People have way more.

yea, doing all WB + daily heroic/normal dungeon/scenarios and the daily quests adds a ton of threads per day.