This game is awful

That’s what many people are doing. Last few weeks my guild (mythic raiding) has severe activity drop. The people I play M+ with are tired of this and started playing other games, and so have I. Right now I just do a few tmog runs, I log for M+ when asked and I raid, that’s it.

I can’t be arsed with the terrible feature they call visions, and as that’s basically all the content this patch has to deliver, I’m not playing.

I will still be logging in and try to have fun whenever possible, it just feels like Blizzard is trying to prevent us from having fun at this point.

ingame activity speaks for itself.
Not much going on compared to before.

Even bg queues are absolutely dead

everyone who still plays have their reasons and it is not fun for everybody.
I just play because I am stuck in another country and other games are unplayable because of latency or other restrictions.
Since my family is not with me, I have time to kill.
I only play because there are not options. I am only one example

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well until this patch u was able to compensate that with titan forging but when there is no titan forging m+ is just weekly chest luck if not luck u can cry next 7 days

I’m gonna bump this thread weekly. Preach it sister.
You shouldnt be too worried tho as we’re getting an amazing well thought feature of 3 random items in shadowlands! big wow.

This shouldve been implemented in legion tbh

and they dont pay enough

I usually dont get tilted… but this rng over rng over rng over rng system starting to gettin on my nerves as well…

PLEASE… add a progression targeting system with a vendor for corrupted items before ppl quit and wait till shadowlands. THIS IS NOT DIABLO!
The system is good and fun if we have options and easy access to corrupted items that allow u to play and swap gear sets and have fun in diferent content in the game. BUT currently each week ppl get more and more frustrated.
The boe items selling for gold cap is INSANE!.. Whats goin on !!!

Im also not one to complain because had some good luck with the system but… seein my friends suffer realy gets me triggered.


RNG has gone so bad, it has been said 1000 times but blizz won’t change anything it seems. Time to go cyclic and wait for the new addon… or maybe its time to play something actually fun and never look back. They get away with so much bullsh!t, I’m not sure if they deserve another chance at all.

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Obviously many players byed already :rofl:

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this leads me to believe that they’ve done something to warrant them getting what they want?

its one thing doing a task and wanting an appropriate reward, and another not doing anything but still wanting the reward.

I’ve said it for a long time now (and played periodically when it suited me because of this fact, rather than quitting completely).

Activision wanted to copy the ‘lootbox satisfaction formula’ that is prevalent in mobile titles, giving short term dopamine release for very little effort.

They failed to understand their core demographic was not 18 year olds playing Golf Clash, but in fact, a more mature audience who craved a more rewarding structure, one that looks on these weekly chests as a childish triviality such as a kinder egg - they are a passing joy…

This demographic has long since transcended weekly chests, tier sets and perhaps now craves something that actually makes their hard earned time and money worth investing in.

Like you all, I pay to play, I use my time wisely and I expect the level of group effort to be rewarded accordingly. Despite the inclusion of Dungeon / Raid Finder, I find it increasingly difficult and less inclusive to proceed beyond certain ‘levels’. I want a game that rewards group effort and makes it easier to encourage this, in all difficulty scenarios, really putting the ‘World’ back into ‘World of Warcraft’.

How about special bonus items as well for a nominated ‘MVP’ in a dungeon? There are so many things that could be done that could encourage a breakout against the tired ‘moneymaking’ rinse and repeat formulas, except they won’t do that, will they?

They will stick with the corporate formula, because in their small heads it’s all they can dream of. The dream died a long time ago, prove to me I’m wrong, I really wish I was. :frowning:


That’s a different issue not related to corruption per se. Connections have been needed long before Corruption was even dreamt up.

WoW simply does not have the same playerbase it did back in it’s glory days of Wrath. Servers simply need connecting to more realms or they need to shut realms and move everyone to new ones. People simply like to play on better populated realms. Connections mean everyone gets to retain their character names, it’s a preferable system.

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I just found it ironic that while there are threads of dead realms many WoW players have the same attitude from 10 years ago when WoW was a behemoth and all these WoW killers were just inferior WoW clones.
Times change, there’s a lot of actually good MMOs out there and every player leaving may be a problem for a server, a guild or a group of friends. When one leaves others may do so too since the gameplay and mechanics don’t hold up anymore and more often than not only the social aspect keeps players engaged.

Since there is no feedback forum and generally feedback is ignored you have to accept players making snarky forum posts, mostly not because they are trolling but of disappointment.

It just baffles my mind that someone at blizzard thought corruption is a good idea after all the titanforge drama, and on top of it Ion said in an interview they were satisfied how corruption worked out… lol
This seems so out of touch that either they are lying or they are incompetent idiots feasting on the legacy of Warcraft :man_shrugging:

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This is very much is based on subjectivity.
I’ve tried many, many, MANY mmorpgs over the years. And none could even try to come close to what WoW offers/does.

Yeah there’s been a few mmorpgs I’ve enjoyed for a while, but at some point they started to fail, while WoW just kept on running well (also down to subjectivity, yes I know).

Honestly that’s why I always return to WoW; there simply isn’t a good alternative.

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Disagree, I think it does help shine a spotlight on an important issue to a lot of players, that is a lack of determinism in gearing out their characters and the horrible and unnecessary extra layers (there isn’t just one) introduced by corrupted gear.

Titanforging was actually good compared to this. 8.3 is the worst patch ever released in regards of gearing.

11 weeks since i got an upgrade in weekly chest, +15 or more every time. Last ten weeks i have gotten 6 trinkets, 3 gloves and 1 legs. All of them downgrades.

Arena: My team had “Won” DH flees away and then hes corruptions procs like mad and oneshots the rest of my hp.

My 440 dh alt with bis corruption sims 8k more dps then my 462 dk alt with no bis corruptions. Whats the point.

You have a point there.

About 200 k active people and 2.000.000 bots.

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Who said its a good system? It will be changed in SL were you pick something out of the loot.
Imagine getting r1 avoidance while you are prot paladins?
i have been waiting for td, and shield to drop from weekly and i still get bad corruption.

Only a fool would believe that all of a sudden the whole games’ history of time gating, rep gating and RNG gating is going to get thrown out of the window the next expansion just to make our lives less tedious.

You get fed as far as news is concerned what they want you to eat. Everything else will be hidden and not for consumption so you buy the game and only then see how bad it might be.

Personaly i wont be buying it. I have had enough of the time gating, rep gating and boosting spam in the M+ and raid que searches. I am selling my account and will make my details avail to them for the life of the game in case blizzard wants to be a douche and not let that person play.