This game is so bugged

I’m not a WoW player per se, I just started playing a year ago and that was for 2 months. I can’t say how often I’ve encountered bugs in this game, it’s just pathetic. A game this old, that has a huge revenue to have so many bugs?
Anyway, the bug that I’m encountering right now is at the World Quest Chew on This. The point is, I enter the quest area, hop up on the hungry ramolith, and guess what, nothing happens. It doesn’t count on the quest progress, and the grass consumed is not added either. So, what should/can I do?


I have to agree, this expansion is the most bugged I’ve ever seen the game.

To make matters worse, the ability of GM’s to rectify issues caused by bugs being curtailed, and the extreme difficulty in contacting GM’s in the first place, is making me rather jaded with the game, for the first time since Vanilla.

Indeed, this game was not ready for release, but I think the worst part is that Blizzard has lost it’s grip of their testing before release.
Just look at the response to the Worldsoul bug - it’s works for them internally but not live, they have no clue really. And when fixing bugs, new ones just arise so it’s a zero-sum game and TWW feels like playing a beta.
I think it’s time to slow down the release schedule and then start doing things properly.

The number one reason why a quest doesn’t count progress is that you are (or used to be) in a raid group, maybe even as the last remaining member from a world boss you did or timewalking raid.

Did you make absolutely sure you’re not in a raid still?

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