This game needs fewer modifiers

Fewer talents and cooldowns that increase your damage by a X amount for X duration, stacking with each other.

The pinacle of this has to be Symbol of Death. Who even enjoys pressing this button?
How boring can an active ability be?

This has to be the single most boring spell in the entire game. I can’t believe it exists.

Yep we do, but mostly because it would help with game performance.

No, that’s irrelevant.
It would help because it makes classes both needlessly complex AND boring at the same time.

it is not needlessly complex .you gotta learn to press buttons .

If it’s more than one button it’s needlessly complex to this guy

Some people like a spec that’s more than 1 button that says “do 1m dps” so no I don’t think it’s bad to have cooldowns, and buffs, random procs I’m not so sure on though.

WAY less modifiers.

WAY less pets.

The game is unnecessarily complicated.

We urgently need another round of ability pruning and returning to MOP talent.

Current talent system is meaninglessly bloated and a big failure.

You obviously misunderstood my request.
I’m not asking for fewer buttons, I like buttons.

It’s modifier stacking that I dislike: one class having several mechanics that increase damage by x% and the ability to stack them all.
Most of these are passive so the number of buttons you press wouldn’t change much.

Speaking for my Demo lock: We don’t like that kind of talk around here!

Most of your pets stay ranged so thats okay.