Can’t be as bad as “put X”.
Useless reply to express my amusement at the comment - that I could have just conveyed with a like.
Creeps on you on classic char.
Self-deprecating comment about how I am so shameless that no one needs to creep on me to find embarrassing content.
Comments that you don’t get it, as you are part of the hivemind.
No U.
If you try to argue against my well thought compelling response I will cry that you’re picking on me and that you’re probably 12 years old.
Just came to explain how good classic is and how retail simulates the ordinary household item used for cleaning dust from the house via vacuuming function.
[changes into another char, so no one knwos who I am]
Vanilla was a real MMORPG - retail sucks… I only came back to play Classic
[Long rant about MVP and how useless they are]
Remove mounts from the game completely
More CoC violations.
post edited
Claims that likes should be removed from forum as it is … something, something and another thing all which = bad
Suggests that posters above are practising the oldest profession to gain currency for the better opportunities in rebirth.
Calling you ist or something even rudder.
Argues furiously that they are correct. Claims evidence has already been provided and refuses to link or give it again.
Pointing out that you are the bane of this forum or something.
On an alt of course.
Tells you that your earlobes smell bad after wearing your headset to long thus affecting your ability to post .
Your item level though.
Attempts desperately to calm down other poster on their replies so they would not get in trouble (again). Fails miserably.
Oh that hurts , runs out and makes long ticket ending my sub and never coming back .